climate plan

Greece boosts 2030 renewable energy target by 9 GW, adds hydrogen

18 January 2023 - Greece presented the long-awaited revision of its National Energy and Climate Plan. The renewable energy target is set to grow by 9 GW.

Serbia promises to IMF it would raise electricity, natural gas prices by up to 30%

21 December 2022 - The IMF approved a two-year standby arrangement for Serbia, which will be able to withdraw EUR 2.4 billion

CAN Europe: Limited progress of national climate and energy plans in Western Balkans

CAN Europe: Limited progress of national climate and energy plans in Western Balkans

11 November 2022 - National plans must implement a more efficient energy policy that will ensure the path to the decarbonization of the region by 2050

Slovenia calls for suggestions for draft climate change law

Slovenia calls for suggestions for draft climate change law

22 September 2022 - Slovenia is drafting the Climate Change Act to create a legal framework for implementing climate policy and reporting on all its aspects


EPS looking for consultant on strategic investment, development

26 August 2022 - The consultant should help define a development strategy for EPS’ production portfolio and offer recommendations for investment in new and existing power plants

Serbia National Energy Climate Plan

Serbia’s NECP on public review until September 5

19 August 2022 - Serbia is mulling the option for its NECP to start adding small modular reactors in 2032. The emissions reduction is seen at 34.2% to 44.4% by 2030.

North Macedonia adopts National Energy and Climate Plan lorkowski

North Macedonia first in Western Balkans adopts National Energy and Climate Plan

02 June 2022 - The NECP covers the period from 2021 to 2030 and prescribes the path to achieve the goals set for 2030, the government said


EU urged to back energy storage development alongside renewables, hydrogen

19 April 2022 - The EU is urged to back energy storage so as to ensure energy security and independence of Russian fossil fuels, and achieve a net-zero power system.

Romania to significantly increase renewables target by 2030 - ministry

Romania to significantly increase 2030 renewables target

14 April 2022 - The new goal will be determined during the revision of the national energy and climate plan, planned for this year


Barometer of Sustainable Energy Transition – how prepared is Montenegro?

23 March 2022 - A clear vision, the responsibility of key actors, the NECP, sources of financing – each of these segments is equally important for Montenegro’s energy transition.


Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market: carbon taxation is inevitable and must be discussed publicly

23 February 2022 - The EU's carbon border tax or national CO2 pricing systems will affect both businesses and citizens in the region, businesspeople and experts warned at the conference Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market.

Public discussion on drafts of NECP, energy strategy to start soon - Mihajlovic

Serbia finishing its draft energy, climate policy for public review

31 January 2022 - Previous year and 2022 are crucial for the energy transition as the future of the Serbian energy sector is being decided on


Albania becomes second country to submit draft NECP to Energy Community Secretariat

23 December 2021 - There is still room for additional policies to help Albania decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions.

Kopac CO2 tax to be introduced in Western Balkans by 2025

Kopač: Western Balkans need to introduce CO2 tax by 2025

23 November 2021 - The decarbonization roadmap will be discussed at the meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community in Belgrade on November 30

Coal power plant Pljevlja likely to be shut down by 2030 krivokapic Montenegrin prime minister

Coal power plant Pljevlja likely to be shut down by 2030 – Montenegrin prime minister

12 August 2021 - The state must create conditions for the development of companies able to accept employees from the sectors that will be affected by the energy transition.


Slovenia issues energy permit for second unit of nuclear power plant Krško

20 July 2021 - An energy permit for a second unit of Slovenian nuclear power plant Krško has been issued, but a final decision on the project has yet to be made.

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