
Knjeginjić: Lafarge Serbia has know-how, investments to decarbonize, but needs regulatory support

04 June 2024 - Lafarge Serbia does not lack the necessary know-how or investments to adapt to the European Union’s carbon border tax

Changes Serbia Regulation Determining Packaging Waste Reduction Plan

Serbia amends municipal packaging waste reduction targets

11 March 2024 - The Regulation on Determining Packaging Waste Reduction Plan didn't bring desired results, prompting recent changes

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Romania to subsidize construction of recycling facilities with EUR 220 million

05 March 2024 - The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests approved funding for the construction of approximately 26 recycling facilities

prozor rama waste sorting

Prozor-Rama is only BiH municipality that sorts all collected waste

06 February 2024 - Of all processed waste, 60% is reused. The local authority says the rest can only be incinerated, to produce energy.

zagreb waste management tomasevic jakusevec

City of Zagreb presents new waste management system

19 January 2024 - Environmentalists from Zelena akcija welcomed the effort to close Jakuševec, but they urged against producing fuel from waste, to be burned

krizevci hydrogen dok-ing waste

First facility for production of hydrogen in Croatia to be installed in Križevci

17 January 2024 - The hydrogen project is being implemented by Dok-Ing from Zagreb and the Križevci waste management utility Križevačko Komunalno Poduzeće

Tilos in Aegean Sea is world's first zero waste island

Tilos in Aegean Sea is world’s first zero waste island

18 July 2023 - Tilos in Greece has become the world’s first island with a zero waste certificate. As...

Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske plans to burn waste in its TPP Gacko

Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske plans to burn waste in its Gacko coal plant

17 May 2023 - The power utility is planning a pilot project for burning up to 1,200 tons of waste per day together with coal in the Gacko facility

EU phase in CO2 border tax CBAM end 2033 eliminates free carbon permits

EU to phase in CO2 border tax by end-2033, when it fully eliminates free carbon permits

20 December 2022 - The EU is set to fully phase out free carbon allowances for the industry four years after it implements the carbon border tax, CBAM, in its entirety


Ten commandments for sustainable waste management in Serbia

19 December 2022 - Over the past year, prominent domestic and international experts have scanned in detail the state of the sector and offered recommendations


Waste-to-energy in Serbia – a cause for concern or an opportunity to reap environmental-climate-energy benefits

11 November 2022 - In this latest article in the series "Serbia, from garbage dumps to circular economy", we discuss the waste-to-energy concept with Professor Vladimir Pavićević, Igor Jezdimirović, and Helga Stoiber

2021 municipal waste report Croatia continues progress, but targets still unreachable

2021 municipal waste report: Croatia continues progress but targets still unreachable

04 August 2022 - The country continued to make progress in almost all important sectors of waste management, but it was not enough to achieve the set goals

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