
Kosovo* increases ceiling price for first solar power auction

29 December 2023 - The Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo* said the ceiling price for bidders in the first solar power auction would be EUR 75 per MWh

Construction of largest solar project in Western Balkans starts in Kosovo

SEGE starts construction of largest solar project in Western Balkans in Kosovo*

22 May 2023 - According to SEGE's website, the electricity will be sold abroad via the transmission grid operated by TSO KOSTT

KOSTT Elektrosever agreement power supply Kosovo

KOSTT and Elektrosever reach deal on supplying Serb consumers in Kosovo*

21 October 2022 - Licensing of the company Elektrosever in Kosovo* was foreseen by the agreement between Kosovo* and Serbia on energy from 2013

Energy Community Serbia preventing electricity trade Kosovo dispute settlement

Energy Community: Serbia is preventing electricity trade with Kosovo*

07 September 2022 - The Energy Community Secretariat opened a dispute settlement case against Serbia for failing to coordinate transmission capacity allocation with Kosovo*


Kosovo* allocates EUR 40 million to cover unpaid electricity bills in northern municipalities

11 August 2022 - Residents of the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo* have not been paying electricity bills for over two decades

Kosovo emergency measures secure electricity supply

Kosovo* adopts emergency measures to secure electricity supply

05 August 2022 - Kosovo* introduced emergency measures for up to 180 days in the electricity supply sector because of the surge in power prices in Europe

Kosovo rotating power outage high import prices grid instability

Kosovo* imposes rotating power outage over high import prices, grid instability

23 December 2021 - Kosovo* introduced systematic, temporary electricity cuts amid a jump in consumption, low production, high import prices and grid issues

Hitachi ABB Power Grids KOSTT sign EUR 4.7 million contract

Hitachi ABB Power Grids, KOSTT sign EUR 4.7 million contract to build new substation

01 April 2021 - ABB Power Grids Zagreb and and Kosovo’s* TSO have signed a contract for the construction of substation Ferizaj 3.

Albanian Power Exchange is looking for trading platform supplier

Albanian Power Exchange is looking for trading platform supplier

19 March 2021 - ALPEX has launched a public call for the electronic trading platform for the day-ahead and intraday markets.

KOSTT 192 MW solar park Kosovo

KOSTT signs connection agreement for 192 MW for solar park in Kosovo*

11 March 2021 - Kosovo's transmission system operator KOSTT inked its third big deal in three months, agreeing with Dukagjini Solar to connect its solar park to the grid

Solar Energy Group 150 MW photovoltaic Kosovo

Solar Energy Group to build 150 MW photovoltaic plant in Kosovo*

01 March 2021 - Solar Energy Group signed a deal with KOSTT that enables it to connect its planned 150 MW solar power plant to the power grid.

kostt wind farm solar park air energy

Kosovo*, Air Energy 2 sign agreements for 100 MW in wind farms, solar power plant

23 December 2020 - The companiy has signed agreements with TSO KOSTT for the connection of three planned facilities to the transmission system.

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