29 July 2021 - The exchange programme is part of the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.
09 July 2021 - Producers of electricity from coal and traders in the Energy Community enjoy record profits as they don't have to pay for CO2 emissions, Janez Kopač said
08 July 2021 - EPBiH picked five former open pit coal mines and ash and slag dumps for solar power projects. It intends to gradually close its thermal power plants.
02 July 2021 - Speeding up energy transitions to achieve the 1.5°C global warming target could boost the world's GDP by 2.4% per year within the next decade compared with current plans, IRENA says.
30 June 2021 - Energy Community Just Transition Forum: to make sure the energy transition is just, it needs to be gradual.
22 June 2021 - The government has published action plans for phasing out coal, documents which will help Slovenia to apply at Just transition fund.
02 June 2021 - Market liberalization implies rising power prices and Kosovo* must make sure it happens gradually, Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač warned
08 January 2021 - New Minister of the Environment and Energy of Greece Kostas Skrekas took over the post from Kostis Hatzidakis. Major reforms are already underway.
25 December 2020 - The draft environmental impact assessment has examined the impact of the three scenarios from the strategy.
12 December 2020 - The European Parliament is set to vote on a proposal for the EU's seven-year budget, green recovery funds and the 55% emission cut target
13 October 2020 - The Energy Community Secretariat has announced the launch of a Platform Initiative to support the...
01 October 2020 - Romania has drafted the decision to grant RON 110 million (EUR 22.6 million) for the...
25 June 2020 - Exemptions in air pollution limits in the EU are about to be abolished, so owners...
29 May 2020 - The European Commission has proposed to increase the funds intended for the energy transition of...
12 May 2020 - The European Commission has approved all requests made by 18 member states including Bulgaria, Croatia,...
06 May 2020 - The drop in market prices of power amid the coronavirus crisis opens the way for...