12 July 2022 - State-owned company has announced a tender for the preparation of investment and technical documentation for the co-incineration project
07 June 2022 - A consortium will determine the best solutions for using gas, biomass and waste in defunct thermal power plant Plomin 1 in Croatia
06 June 2022 - Prime Minister Robert Golob promised everyone would take their fair share of the burden from rising food and energy prices
13 May 2022 - The Government of Slovenia has adopted a decree on granting concessions for waste incineration as an obligatory public service
15 February 2022 - The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality produced 844 GWh of power in waste incinerators and from landfill gas last year
11 February 2022 - The state would soon announce tendering for awarding concessions for the construction of three waste to energy facilities
14 December 2021 - Burning waste results in emissions of mercury, dioxins and furans, Za Zemiata said as it protested against an incineration project in Sofia
08 October 2021 - Including waste incineration in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) would encourage waste prevention...
11 June 2021 - Minister Andrej Vizjak says the Government of Slovenia would determine concession areas and help municipalities build three incinerators
01 June 2021 - Prime Minister Zaev said investments in energy of EUR 3.1 billion are expected by 2027, of which the overwhelming majority is for renewables
11 May 2021 - The EEA Financial Mechanism secured grants of EUR 4.6 million in Romania for renewables and EUR 10.7 million in Bulgaria for energy efficiency in buildings
20 April 2021 - The Istanbul Stock Exchange is about to add five companies from the renewable energy sector, as they decided to tap on massive investor interest
02 March 2021 - The draft Green City Action Plan and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of Belgrade include investments of EUR 5.2 billion until 2030
04 February 2021 - Suez and Itochu were supposed to close the waste landfill in Vinča on January 31 and start using the new site, CLS said and blamed Belgrade's authorities
17 December 2020 - Co-incineration of SRF will increase the emissions of heavy metals, according to the review of the EIA commissioned by the Municipality of Šoštanj.
07 October 2020 - The waste incineration plant under construction in Vinča will make Belgrade lag behind Serbia’s efforts...