
eps waste co-incineration cola power plants tender

EPS intends to co-incinerate waste in two coal power plants

12 July 2022 - State-owned company has announced a tender for the preparation of investment and technical documentation for the co-incineration project

Croatia considering alternative fuels retired coal plant Plomin 1

Croatia examining alternative fuels for its retired coal plant Plomin 1

07 June 2022 - A consortium will determine the best solutions for using gas, biomass and waste in defunct thermal power plant Plomin 1 in Croatia

Priority new Government Slovenia energy crisis

Priority of new Government of Slovenia is to tackle energy crisis

06 June 2022 - Prime Minister Robert Golob promised everyone would take their fair share of the burden from rising food and energy prices

slovenia waste incinerators decree

Slovenia to install three waste incinerators

13 May 2022 - The Government of Slovenia has adopted a decree on granting concessions for waste incineration as an obligatory public service

Istanbul expands waste to energy electricity two million people

Istanbul expands waste-to-energy capacity to cover electricity needs of two million people

15 February 2022 - The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality produced 844 GWh of power in waste incinerators and from landfill gas last year

Slovenia's government to co-finance construction of three waste incinerators

Slovenia to co-finance construction of three waste incinerators

11 February 2022 - The state would soon announce tendering for awarding concessions for the construction of three waste to energy facilities

Environmentalists protest against waste incinerator project in Sofia

Environmentalists protest against waste incinerator project in Sofia

14 December 2021 - Burning waste results in emissions of mercury, dioxins and furans, Za Zemiata said as it protested against an incineration project in Sofia

waste incineration under EU ETS generates climate, employment benefits

Including waste incineration in EU ETS would bring climate, employment benefits

08 October 2021 - Including waste incineration in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) would encourage waste prevention...

Slovenia three mixed waste incinerators sludge

Slovenia to build three mixed waste incinerators, solve sludge issue

11 June 2021 - Minister Andrej Vizjak says the Government of Slovenia would determine concession areas and help municipalities build three incinerators

North Macedonia investments energy EUR 3 1 billion 2027

North Macedonia plans investments in energy of EUR 3.1 billion by 2027

01 June 2021 - Prime Minister Zaev said investments in energy of EUR 3.1 billion are expected by 2027, of which the overwhelming majority is for renewables

Apply EEA s renewables energy efficiency grants Romania Bulgaria

Apply for EEA’s renewables, energy efficiency grants for Romania, Bulgaria

11 May 2021 - The EEA Financial Mechanism secured grants of EUR 4.6 million in Romania for renewables and EUR 10.7 million in Bulgaria for energy efficiency in buildings

Five renewable energy firms stock market Turkey

Five renewable energy firms preparing to enter stock market in Turkey

20 April 2021 - The Istanbul Stock Exchange is about to add five companies from the renewable energy sector, as they decided to tap on massive investor interest

Belgrade EUR 5 2 billion green development 2030

Belgrade earmarks EUR 5.2 billion for green development by 2030

02 March 2021 - The draft Green City Action Plan and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of Belgrade include investments of EUR 5.2 billion until 2030

Public–private-partnership-deadline-Belgrade's Vinča landfill

Public–private partnership misses deadline to shut Belgrade’s Vinča landfill

04 February 2021 - Suez and Itochu were supposed to close the waste landfill in Vinča on January 31 and start using the new site, CLS said and blamed Belgrade's authorities

Buring waste in TPPSostanj will have adverse impact on human health

EIA study for TPP Šoštanj waste incineration project under scrutiny

17 December 2020 - Co-incineration of SRF will increase the emissions of heavy metals, according to the review of the EIA commissioned by the Municipality of Šoštanj.

Works Vinca incinerator Belgrade recycling

Vinča incinerator project moves ahead but Belgrade still without waste separation system

07 October 2020 - The waste incineration plant under construction in Vinča will make Belgrade lag behind Serbia’s efforts...

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