spain pv solar sector iea report

Spain led solar surge in EU in 2022, plans to almost double its 2030 PV target

22 August 2023 - In 2022 Spain recorded its highest annual additions of PV plants, which made it the largest PV market in Europe and the fifth in the world


Have your say on EU heat pump action plan – fill out European Commission’s online questionnaire!

01 August 2023 - The European Commission is seeking feedback on its heat pump action plan, aimed at reducing dependence on natural gas


IEA: Demand for critical minerals to spike 3.5 times by 2030

11 July 2023 - The growth in projects for the production of critical minerals such as copper and lithium is insufficient for a net zero energy transition


IEA chief warns of fresh energy price hike this winter

03 July 2023 - China’s economic recovery coupled with a harsh winter could push up gas prices, the IEA executive director has warned


IEA Greece 2023 report urges investment in green energy instead of gas

27 April 2023 - The International Energy Agency (IEA) published its country report on Greece today, highlighting various aspects of its energy policy

IEA: Global CO2 emissions rose less than initially feared

IEA: Global CO2 emissions rose less than initially feared in 2022

02 March 2023 - The expansion of renewable sources prevented CO2 emissions from increasing significantly in 2022, but they did reach their historical maximum

IEA Renewables meet almost all global power demand growth 2025

IEA: Renewables to meet almost all global power demand growth through 2025

14 February 2023 - The expected increase in the generation of electricity from renewable sources is set to cover 98.3% of net growth in global power demand

future of heat pumps iea report

IEA: Global energy crisis is driving surge in heat pumps

01 December 2022 - Sales of heat pumps will soar to record levels in the coming years as the energy crisis accelerated their deployment

coal phaseout see region iea

Coal phaseout in SEE: countries have made pledges, but some are still silent

24 November 2022 - The list of 40 countries with the largest shares of coal-fired power plants in electricity production includes eight in this region

IEA warns EU severe gas shortage risk winter 2023 24

IEA warns EU of severe gas shortage risk for winter 2023/24

07 November 2022 - The EU may face a gas shortage of 30 billion cubic meters ahead of the heating season next year, the International Energy Agency said

Birol: Without international cooperation global energy transition could be delayed for decades

21 September 2022 - Far greater international cooperation is needed to move the world on the right path in...

Birol Three myths about the global energy crisis

IEA’s Birol debunks three myths about global energy crisis

07 September 2022 - Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), wrote an op-ed for the Financial Times

Subsidies for fossil fuels doubled in 2021 and continue to increase

Subsidies for fossil fuels doubled in 2021 and continue to increase

05 September 2022 - Support for fossil fuels doubled in 2021 compared to the year before to nearly USD 700 billion, slowing progress toward climate goals


EU’s renewable power capacity additions jump 30% in 2021

11 May 2022 - The world as a whole also set a fresh record in new renewables capacity last year, adding almost 295 GW

Coal global energy CO2 emissions all time high 2021

Coal use pushes global energy-related CO2 emissions to all-time high in 2021

10 March 2022 - The increase in the use of coal last year was the main factor driving the record global rise in energy-related CO2 emissions, IEA found

iea electricity report 2022 prices

IEA: Rising demand for electricity could result in high prices over next three years

14 January 2022 - Average wholesale electricity prices in Europe in the fourth quarter of 2021 were more than four times as high as their 2015-2020 average

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