02 February 2021 - TEŠ's project to add SRF waste to the coal that it burns in the Šoštanj thermal power plant hit a wall at the municipal council
30 December 2020 - Company plans construction of three wind farms, a 30 MW solar power plant, geothermal and pumped storage projects.
17 December 2020 - Co-incineration of SRF will increase the emissions of heavy metals, according to the review of the EIA commissioned by the Municipality of Šoštanj.
01 December 2020 - HESS plans to add a 6 MW photovoltaic unit to its Brežice hydroelectric plant, located...
06 November 2020 - Viktor Vračar is the new CEO of power utility Holding Slovenske Elektrarne while Martin Bratanič took over the lead of Borzen.
05 November 2020 - Plinovodi, ELES, HSE and HESS launched the SLOP2G project for the conversion of renewable energy to hydrogen.
02 July 2020 - The management of the Šoštanj thermal power plant (TEŠ) presented the results of an environmental...
25 March 2020 - Slovenian lignite-fired thermal power plant Termoelektrarna Šoštanj (TEŠ) has been developing several projects aimed at...
16 March 2020 - Governments and state-owned operators are imposing constraints and work from home and stepping up hygiene...
21 February 2020 - The gathering of leading energy experts from the Balkans and Europe, as well as decision...
13 December 2019 - Slovenia’s power utility Dravske Elektrarne Maribor (DEM) plans to invest EUR 65 million in three...
04 September 2019 - Slovenia’s state power utility Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE) has appointed new top managers at two...
17 June 2019 - The Slovenian government has halted preparations to produce a national spatial plan (DPN) for the...
12 June 2019 - Slovenia’s HSE Group, which includes state power utility Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), logged a EUR...
01 April 2019 - Slovenia’s power company Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE) has appointed Stojan Nikolić as the new director...
11 July 2018 - Slovenian state energy company Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE) has shut down another environmentally and technologically...