ERS officially initiated construction of Mrsovo HPP

ERS breaks ground for Mrsovo hydropower plant in BiH

02 August 2023 - ERS began works on its Mrsovo hydropower project, of 37.3 MW, on the Lim river in the municipality of Rudo in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic of Srpska UNESCO HPP Buk Bijela durmitor

Republic of Srpska presents plan to resolve issues over hydropower project Buk Bijela

25 July 2023 - The delegation of the Republic Srpska held a working meeting with the Director of UNESCO for World Heritage, Lazare Eloundou Assomo

Budget Serbia 2023 energy sector guarantees

Serbia to support large-scale energy projects in 2023 with state guarantees for loans

07 December 2022 - Serbia will have the opportunity to kick-start significant energy projects in 2023, as the proposed law on a budget contains state guarantees and project loans


Construction of dam, main structure of hydropower plant Buk Bijela could begin by end-2022

18 August 2022 - A groundbreaking ceremony for the 93 MW hydropower plant, a joint project between Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, was held in May 2021

Montenegro s EPCG revamps Krusevo hydropower plant

Montenegro’s EPCG revamps Kruševo hydropower plant project

18 July 2022 - Montenegro's power utility EPCG will examine the possibility to build hydropower plant Kruševo on the Piva river


Women in Drina basin have power to solve environmental threats

03 July 2021 - Participants of the workshop said an increasing number of women from different spheres are becoming active in efforts to protect the environment and that they have the enthusiasm and energy to combine their strengths to create models for sustainable development with a particular focus on gender issues.


Petar Đokić: Republic of Srpska cannot escape paying for CO2 emissions

25 June 2021 - Fossil fuels are not the future, but they certainly are our present, says Petar Đokić, minister of mining and energy of the Republic of Srpska.


HPP Buk Bijela groundbreaking to be held on May 17

04 May 2021 - A groundbreaking ceremony for hydropower plant (HPP) Buk Bijela on the Drina river, a joint project of Serbia and the Serb-dominated entity Republic of Srpska, will take place on May 17.

EPS to take over majority ownership over company HES Gornja Drina in BiH

Serbia’s EPS to take over majority of company HES Gornja Drina in BiH

06 November 2020 - The decision to change the ownership structure was made by the Government of the Republic of Srpska.

EPS Serbia Gornja Drina hydropower BiH

EPS gets approval in Serbia for Gornja Drina hydropower project in BiH

30 September 2020 - Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) managed to surpass another obstacle in its plan to construct a hydropower...

ERS to build 1,000 MW renewable energy power plants over next 10 years

ERS to build 1,000 MW renewable energy power plants over next 10 years

17 April 2019 - Public power utility Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske (ERS) aims to invest EUR 1.25 billion in 1,000-MW...

Serbia, Republika Srpska to jontly build HPP Buk Bijela

04 March 2019 - Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) intend to jointly build the hydropower plant (HPP) Buk Bijela,...

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