24 March 2023 - Kosovo* aims at 1.6 GW in renewables capacity by 2031, with 340 MWh in batteries. It opted to reconstruct at least three coal plant units.
13 March 2023 - Compared to homes reliant on gas heating and without solar panels, households in Germany, Spain, and Italy saved up to EU 3,700 last year
22 February 2023 - Poland achieved the fastest expansion in Europe, 100%, followed by the Czech Republic's 99%. The Netherlands came in third, with 80%.
16 February 2023 - The University of Birmingham has said households in Sub-Saharan Africa are hardest hit in terms of the total energy cost burden rate
27 January 2023 - Romania is third or fourth in Europe in geothermal energy potential. Exploration is currently being conducted at 24 sites.
19 January 2023 - Beogradske Elektrane and Elektroprivreda Srbije have signed an agreement on the construction of infrastructure for the pipeline
06 January 2023 - Bulgaria earmarked EUR 30.5 million for replacing inefficient heating devices in households with rooftop PV panels and solar collectors
09 December 2022 - Serbia will subsidize electricity, gas and heating bills for vulnerable households with EUR 34.1 million
09 December 2022 - With its new cogeneration plant and a district heating network upgrade, Gjakova has set an example for municipal authorities in the Balkans
01 December 2022 - Sales of heat pumps will soar to record levels in the coming years as the energy crisis accelerated their deployment
10 November 2022 - The European Commission wants to cut red tape for renewables but it may lower environmental standards in the process
08 November 2022 - Bistriţa decided to apply for European funds for a EUR 2.9 million project to equip educational institutions with renewable energy facilities
07 November 2022 - Nikola Rovčanin, executive director of EPCG, said the plan for district heating in Pljevlja dates back 40 years
18 October 2022 - The investment is part of a project for the decarbonization of ten heating plants and switching them from fossil fuels to biomass
05 October 2022 - DSOs are experiencing a severe liquidity crisis, according to the findings of the Coordination Group of the Energy Community DSOs
05 October 2022 - The USAID has provided USD 230,000 for the renovation of all six substations for heating and sanitary hot water in the hospital