greenhouse gas emissions

kosovo law on climate change adopted

Kosovo* adopts first Law on Climate Change 

12 January 2024 - Kosovo* failed to include all the 2030 Energy Community climate and energy targets and the 2050 climate neutrality objective in its new law

EU ETS 2 likely bigger tighter market current EU ETS

EU ETS 2 will likely be bigger and tighter market than current EU ETS

18 December 2023 - EU ETS 2 is being prepared for road transport buildings and small industrial units. Experts from Vertis Environmental Finance laid out the implications.

Carbon border Western Balkans barrier bridge EU

Carbon border and Western Balkans – barrier or bridge to EU?

11 December 2023 - The EU will start charging a carbon tax to importers in 2026 similar to the one for domestic companies and their emissions


EU seeks to phase out fossil fuel boilers in buildings by 2040

11 December 2023 - A revision of the EU's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption in buildings

Europe’s first ammonia-fuelled power plant will be open in Ireland

Europe’s first ammonia-fuelled power plant to be built in Ireland

07 December 2023 - The use of low-carbon ammonia as a fuel can contribute to the security of power supply and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

can europe necp western balkans report missed targets

CAN Europe: BiH, Kosovo* and Serbia’s NECPs lack climate ambition, coal phaseout dates

28 November 2023 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, and Serbia sent draft NECPs to the Energy Community Secretariat for review in late June and July

EBRD and NLB Banka signed a contract for financing green investments in Montenegro

EBRD approves loan to NLB Bank for green investments in Montenegro

15 November 2023 - EBRD provided EUR 2 million to NLB Bank in Montenegro to on-lend to homeowners for investment in energy efficiency measures.

serbia necp energy community assessment renewables

Serbia urged to adjust NECP renewables, energy efficiency goals to Energy Community’s targets

14 November 2023 - The advice is part of the Energy Community Secretariat's recommendations on Serbia's national energy and climate plan

Harnessing the sun Western Balkans' solar revolution and the success stories of three cities

Harnessing the sun: Western Balkans’ solar revolution and the success stories of three cities

10 November 2023 - Cities in the Western Balkans are not just envisioning a future powered by the sun, they are actively shaping it, setting the stage for a sustainable tomorrow

Emissions from energy and industry decreased by 37% due to EU ETS

Energy, industry emissions 37% lower than when EU ETS was launched

03 November 2023 - The European Commission has adopted a Carbon Market Report, which includes an analysis of the functioning of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)

September in Europe was the warmest in history

September in Europe was warmest in history

06 October 2023 - Temperatures in September were four degrees higher than average. Meteorologists expect 2023 to become the hottest year ever.


Hoekstra: EU will push for global tax on fossil fuels

04 October 2023 - The nominee for the new EU Commissioner for Climate Action also pledged to phase out the bloc's fossil fuel subsidies

White hydrogen: Sustainable energy from the depths of Earth

White hydrogen: sustainable energy from depths of Earth

02 October 2023 - White hydrogen is gaining attention in the context of decarbonization as it can become one of the cleanest energy sources


Eurelectric: Europe must attract unprecedented investments in grid expansion

22 September 2023 - After a period of historic hardship, the electricity sector in Europe showed several positive trends, according to Eurelectric.

Carbon tax, CO2 tax, environmental and social responsibility business concept. Taxation for nature pollution. Supporting to limit climate change and globle warming problem. Controlling carbon emission

Introducing carbon pricing and EU CBAM mechanism application in the Energy Community

18 September 2023 - There can be no successful decarbonization if the EU doesn't institutionalize continuous financial support until the EnC abandons coal

Conference about the implementation of the ESG reporting strategy, September 26 in Belgrade

ESG in Business and Finance conference to be held on September 26 in Belgrade

14 September 2023 - The conference "ESG in Business and Finance: Challenges and Opportunities in Serbia" will be held on September 26th in Belgrade.

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