19 April 2023 - The ICIS Northwest Europe ammonia-to-hydrogen assessment fell in value for the ninth straight week in mid-April
11 April 2023 - Ten years before the coal phaseout deadline, the Czech Republic's three coal regions are preparing to pilot hydrogen technologies
11 April 2023 - The Greek and Bulgarian gas system operators will present two major hydrogen projects to the EU this week
06 April 2023 - A viable investment case for primary steel projects with near-zero emissions is within reach in Europe and North America, ETC claims
23 March 2023 - NIS has extended the public call for the design and technical documentation development for a hydrogen production plant
16 February 2023 - The European Commission has unveiled a set of rules that could allow for hydrogen produced from nuclear energy to be considered green
03 February 2023 - Motor Oil and PPPC proceeded with the establishment of Hellenic Hydrogen. The firm will produce and store green hydrogen in Greece.
26 January 2023 - Germany joined the H2Med project and is also working on a green hydrogen pipeline project with Belgium in the North Sea
17 January 2023 - The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Serbia will sign a memorandum of cooperation on hydrogen...
09 January 2023 - RWE and Equinor are working on a plan to produce and transport hydrogen through a proposed pipeline from Norway to Germany
06 January 2023 - Blastr Green Steel plans to build a steelworks and a hydrogen plant in Inkoo, Finland, that would run on renewable electricity
04 January 2023 - The City of Vis and the H2 association are developing a plan to build the first hydrogen filling station in Croatia
26 December 2022 - A 2 MW electrolyzer project in Cyprus was selected for a grant through the EU's Innovation Fund in a program for small-scale green tech
23 December 2022 - Denmark-based Everfuel started the commissioning phase of the biggest electrolyzer in Europe by producing the first amount of green hydrogen
30 November 2022 - The green hydrogen will be used to supply the transport sector in Croatia and for the refinery’s own consumption
02 November 2022 - A subsidiary of the Svevind Energy Group has signed an investment agreement in Astana with the Kazakh government for the massive project