Emissions from energy and industry decreased by 37% due to EU ETS

Energy, industry emissions 37% lower than when EU ETS was launched

03 November 2023 - The European Commission has adopted a Carbon Market Report, which includes an analysis of the functioning of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)

necp serbia public consultation pks

Serbia presents draft National Energy, Climate Plan

11 July 2023 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy has invited all interested parties, not only from Serbia, but also from neighboring countries, to join the public consultation

low carbon strategy serbia

Serbia adopts Low Carbon Development Strategy

07 June 2023 - The most expensive scenario for the country is to ignore the costs related to climate change, the document said

International Congress on Process Industry Processing '23 serbia sabac

36th International Congress on Process Industry – Processing ’23. to be held on June 1-2 in Serbia

24 May 2023 - The two-day event will be held in Šabac, where domestic and foreign experts will present 65 papers classified into 11 thematic groups

WMO Global temperatures poised to set new record in next five years

WMO: Global temperatures poised to set new record within five years

18 May 2023 - There is a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record

IEA: Global CO2 emissions rose less than initially feared

IEA: Global CO2 emissions rose less than initially feared in 2022

02 March 2023 - The expansion of renewable sources prevented CO2 emissions from increasing significantly in 2022, but they did reach their historical maximum

European Public Prosecutor investigates EU ETS fraud in Bulgaria

EU prosecutors investigating EU ETS fraud in Bulgaria

28 February 2023 - EPPO's office in Sofia is carrying out searches and investigation in a probe into fraud regarding the EU Emissions Trading System

2030 energy climate targets energy community contracting parties

Energy Community sets individual 2030 energy, climate targets for contracting parties

19 December 2022 - The Energy Community has published targets for individual contracting parties for renewables, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency

COP27: Deal on loss and damage fund saves climate conference from debacle

COP27: Deal on loss and damage fund saves climate conference from debacle

22 November 2022 - At COP27, delegates agreed to establish a fund to help the most vulnerable countries but failed to commit to phasing out all fossil fuels

EU wastes more food than it imports

EU wastes more food than it imports

26 September 2022 - At a time when 33 million citizens of the European Union cannot afford enough meals,...

steel green hydrogen decarbonization

Decarbonizing one steel plant with hydrogen requires up to EUR 7 billion in investment

29 July 2022 - Hydrogen Europe conducted an analysis of the viability of using solar and renewable energy to decarbonize steel manufacturing

Belgrade airport inaugurates solar power plant vinci nikola tesla

Belgrade airport commissions solar power plant

19 July 2022 - The facility consists of nearly 3,000 photovoltaic panels spread over a plateau of ​​15,900 square meters

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