15 July 2021 - The European Commission adopted a package of 12 draft laws in order to achieve net GHG emissions reductions by at least 55% by 2030.
13 July 2021 - The Western Balkans’ 18 coal-fired power plants released twice as much sulfur dioxide in 2019 as all 221 such facilities in the EU.
09 July 2021 - The European Parliament has warned of a possible negative impact of new offshore wind farms on fisheries in EU waters.
08 July 2021 - Sofia is among the finalists for the European Green Capital 2023 award, while Belgrade, Zagreb, and Skopje are out of the race.
08 July 2021 - Shell has put in operation a 10 MW polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer for the production of green hydrogen, the largest of its kind in Europe.
06 July 2021 - The EU's deadline to ban single-use plastics has passed, but only a handful of member states have done enough to comply.
01 June 2021 - SolarPower Europe has recommended setting the 2030 renewables share target at 45%, which it believes the EU has the potential to achieve.
27 April 2021 - The EU is introducing a taxonomy that companies and investors will be required to use when talking about investments in green projects.
20 April 2021 - Four regional capitals are among 16 cities in the competition organized by the European Commission.
01 March 2021 - The EU has adopted a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change to prepare for the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
15 February 2021 - Over 500 scientists have warned world leaders against treating biomass as carbon neutral and supporting tree cutting for energy production.
25 January 2021 - Three environmental organizations have accused Bulgaria of systemically and persistently violating the European Union’s (EU)...
12 December 2020 - The Platform Initiative in Support of Coal Regions in Transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine has been officially launched
21 October 2020 - Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov asked the European Commission to help countries in the CEE region to phase out coal
16 October 2020 - Bulgaria said in its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) that it targets zero greenhouse gas emissions for 2030
16 October 2020 - Croatia’s National and Climate Plan (NECP) targets a rise in renewable energy share to 36.4% for 2030