BiH's utility EPBiH gets new supervisory board, general manager, executive managers

BiH’s power utility EPBiH gets new management

24 August 2023 - The new supervisory board, general manager, and executives will serve until the completion of a public call to appoint the entire management


Power utilities in Federation of BiH post mixed H1 results: EPBiH in red as EPHZHB makes profit

21 August 2023 - State-owned power utilities EPBiH and EPHZHB have posted their results for the first half of 2023

elektroprivreda bih dismissed managers goverment fbih

FBiH dismisses board of power utility Elektroprivreda BiH

04 August 2023 - Sanel Buljubašić has been designated as the acting CEO of EPBiH after the Government of FBiH dismissed the entire management


EPBiH discussing its 90 MW Bitovnja wind farm project with local community

27 June 2023 - EPBiH has revamped the 90 MW Bitovnja wind farm project after several years, and is now in talks with the local population


Solar complex of 36 MW planned to be built in Tuzla

20 June 2023 - The projected annual electricity output of the proposed Deling Invest 1 solar complex is some 40 GWh

BEF 2023 Decarbonization energy storage district heating integration power sector

BEF 2023: Decarbonization and energy storage require district heating integration with power sector

17 May 2023 - Intersectoral cooperation and the integration of the electricity and district heating sectors are necessary to utilize the energy balancing and storage potential

zivinice epbih solar coal mines

Bosnian mining city Živinice to install solar power plants with state-owned utility EPBiH

05 May 2023 - It could make the city in the north of BiH the first coal-dependent area in the Western Balkans that kicks off the energy transition

EPBIH gets financing for Vlašić wind farm

03 April 2023 - The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina approved a EUR 36 million loan from EIB for the 50 MW Vlašić wind farm project

power utilities western balkans eu ets smissions co2 cbam

Regional utilities gather to discuss emissions trading: cooperation toward energy transition

29 March 2023 - Top managers of five state-owned power companies from BiH, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have discussed cooperation

Court of BiH annuls decision on illegal state aid for coal-based unit Tuzla 7

Court of BiH annuls ruling that state aid for coal plant Tuzla 7 was illegal

31 January 2023 - The Court of BiH annulled the ruling of the State Aid Council that loan guarantees for the Tuzla 7 coal power plant project were illegal

Power utility ERS hired consultants for urgent analysis of its production capacities

Power utility ERS hires advisers for urgent review of production capacities

20 January 2023 - The urgent analysis was initiated by Republic of Srpska Prime Minister Radovan Višković and Minister of Energy and Mining Petar Đokić

HEP plans to start purchasing electricity from private producers public call

HEP plans to purchase electricity from private producers

12 January 2023 - Hrvatska Elektroprivreda is now the second state-owned energy company in the region that made such a decision

EPBiH foresees CO2 taxation to be introduced in BiH in 3-8 years

EPBiH foresees CO2 taxation to be introduced in BiH in three to eight years

05 January 2023 - According to EPBiH's Business Plan for the period 2023-2025, it is one of the biggest risks for its operations

EPBiH export of electricity in 2023 to be lowered due to low reserves of coal

EPBiH to export less electricity in 2023 due to low coal reserves

30 December 2022 - Elektroprivreda BiH will produce 10% less electricity in coal-fired power plants than what it projected in the Electricity Balance from a few months ago

Energy Community opens case as BiH haven't closed two units in coal power plants Kakanj, Tuzla 

Energy Community opens case against BiH for refusing to close two coal plant units

31 October 2022 - The same procedure was initiated in April 2021 against Montenegro with regard to the operation of the Pljevlja power plant

BiH to get first hybrid power plant

27 October 2022 - Hybrid power plants haven't been a favorite choice so far for investors in the Western Balkans

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