electricity prices association employers federation bih

Companies in FBiH request 20% cap on increase in electricity prices for 2023

26 October 2022 - Businesses want the Government of FBiH to cap the potential increase in tariffs to 20% like it did late last year for 2022

Tender for desulphurization plant construction in TPP Tuzla open until November 15

Tender for desulphurization unit in Tuzla coal plant open until November 15

04 October 2022 - State-owned power utility EPBiH announced a tender for a flue gas desulphurization facility for unit 6 in TPP Tuzla

Environmentalists covertly waste biomass Tuzla coal plant BiH

Activists: EPBiH is covertly introducing waste with biomass as fuel for Tuzla power plant

09 September 2022 - Environmentalists claim waste is planned to be added as a fuel in the project to switch unit 3 in coal plant Tuzla to biomass

Still no decision concession wind farm Podvelezje 2 in BiH

Still no decision on concession for wind farm Podveležje 2

08 September 2022 - The cantonal government started the ongoing procedure for the concession for Podveležje 2 in 2013, at the initiative of Energy 3

Elektroprivreda HZHB launches call for purchase of electricity from renewables

Elektroprivreda HZHB launches call for purchase of electricity from renewables

07 September 2022 - EPHZHB has taken a similar step as Elektroprivreda BiH a few weeks ago. Both utilities are owned by the Government of the Federation of BiH.


EPBiH plans to start buying electricity from private producers

29 August 2022 - EPBiH has issued a public call for the procurement of electricity produced from renewable sources and through high-efficiency cogeneration

EPBiH in green transition – solar power plants on site of former coal mines

EPBiH set to build its first solar power plants to replace coal

30 July 2022 - As part of its decarbonization push, Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine, EPBiH, is starting to replace coal capacities with solar power

Power utility EPHZHB requests ban on electricity export from BiH

Power utility EPHZHB requests ban on electricity exports from BiH

27 July 2022 - BiH is the biggest electricity exporter in the Western Balkans, but the energy crisis and the drought are now jeopardizing supply

EPBiH signs concession for two solar power plants bugojno gracanica

EPBiH signs concession for two solar PV plants

18 July 2022 - The photovoltaic plants will be built at the mine tailings dump site of the Gračanica coal mine in the municipality of Bugojno

Federation BiH stops Tuzla 7 coal power plant

Federation of BiH stops Tuzla 7 coal power plant project

14 July 2022 - FBiH rejected the proposition from the contractors from China for an alternative supplier of equipment for the Tuzla 7 coal plant project

BiH halts Tuzla 7 coal project state aid

BiH blocks Tuzla 7 coal plant project

06 July 2022 - The construction of unit 7 of the Tuzla thermal power plant encountered another obstacle with the decision of the State Aid Council of BiH

Western Balkan countries struggling coal plants

WB-6 countries struggling to secure electricity production in their old coal power plants

31 May 2022 - It's going to be a long winter in several Western Balkan countries as old coal-fired power plants are unreliable and lignite is scarce

Which countries in Western Balkans intend to introduce carbon tax cbam

Which Western Balkan countries intend to introduce carbon tax?

18 May 2022 - Countries are doing so in order to accelerate decarbonization, but also to avoid paying the carbon border tax announced by the EU

Energy Community Prolonging operation coal plants BiH breach of treaty

Energy Community: Prolonging operation of coal plants in BiH is breach of treaty

28 March 2022 - The Federation of BiH intends to operate two coal plants past their allowed limits, which the Energy Community Secretariat says is a clear breach of obligations

EPBiH renewable energy projects operational plants buy

EPBiH seeks renewable energy projects, operational plants to buy

08 March 2022 - Persons and firms have the opportunity to sell their renewable energy projects or power plants to Bosnia and Herzegovina's EPBiH

epbih kakanj tuzla units opt out mechanism

Goverment of FBiH intends to extend operation of two units in coal power plants Kakanj, Tuzla

02 March 2022 - Two units in coal plants are due to be shut down in line with the EU’s Large Combustion Plants Directive (LCPD).

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