15 June 2021 - Greece earmarked EUR 100 million in subsidies for the construction of photovoltaic facilities to supply electricity to the people in need
10 June 2021 - The EU is revising state aid rules for the environment and energy. It proposed a competitive bidding system and covering up to 100% of funding gaps.
09 June 2021 - The draft law on renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration is up for public consultation, which will last until June 16.
31 March 2021 - The Austrian government published the Renewable Energy Expansion Act , which is now subject to deliberation and approval by the Austrian parliament
08 March 2021 - Niš included citizens in energy transition planning and it is working on the establishment of energy cooperatives, Energy Manager Bojan Gajić says
17 February 2021 - The regional government of Western Macedonia is about to request the suspension of all renewable energy projects and demand a greater role
17 February 2021 - Individuals can join the first Romanian energy cooperative and invest as little as EUR 102.6 in the purchase of Apuron Energy
04 February 2021 - Draft laws were discussed by representatives of the energy ministry, citizens, investors, and companies.
18 January 2021 - Italy’s first renewable energy community (REC) has been established in the small northern town of Magliano Alpi.