

Montenegro’s EPCG vows to put solar panels on every roof in country

16 January 2024 - EPCG solar is preparing to start the works within the Solari 5000+ subsidy program in Montenegro for rooftop photovoltaic systems

Albania qualifications 300 MW solar power auction

Albania kicks off qualifications for 300 MW solar power auction

15 January 2024 - Albania invited investors to qualify their photovoltaic projects for an upcoming tender for 15-year contracts for difference


Global players bid to replace coal with 455 MW of solar power in Romania

15 January 2024 - Tenders for 455 MW of PV capacity replacing CE Oltenia's coal plants drew investors from China, Turkey, the US, Germany and Ukraine

Polat Turkey largest wind power plant to add battery storage

Turkey’s largest wind power plant to add battery storage

15 January 2024 - Polat Enerji said an energy storage system would lower balancing costs for its wind park Soma, the largest in Turkey

EU record 17 GW wind power 2023 must double pace

EU adds record 17 GW of wind power in 2023 but must double pace

12 January 2024 - The EU saw 14 GW of onshore wind and 3 GW of offshore capacity coming online in 2023. WindEurope warned that the goal is 30 GW per year.

Albania limit final project approvals renewables one year

Albania to limit final project approvals for renewables to one year

12 January 2024 - Final approvals for renewable electricity plants in Albania will last 12 months. KESH is working on a pumped storage hydropower project.

Rezolv Energy biggest solar power plants Bulgaria Romania

Rezolv Energy advances projects for biggest solar power plants in Bulgaria, Romania

11 January 2024 - Rezolv received a green light in Bulgaria for a 229 MW solar park. In neighboring Romania it is building a 1.06 GW PV system.

France boosts nuclear energy plan eight more large reactors

France boosts its nuclear energy plan with eight more large reactors

10 January 2024 - The French government is preparing a bill intended to facilitate the replacement of its aging nuclear power plants

Slovenia mulls separating coal assets electricity utility HSE

Slovenia mulls separating coal assets from electricity utility HSE

08 January 2024 - State-owned Holding Slovenske elektrarne is preparing for the possibility of spinning off its coal assets: thermal power plant TEŠ and a mine


Subsidies in Romania should last until solar panels are installed on last roof

08 January 2024 - Minister of Environment Mircea Fechet says subsidy schemes in Romania should last until there are solar panels on every roof

Europe catch up with US supporting nuclear energy revival

Europe will catch up with US in supporting nuclear energy revival

05 January 2024 - Director General of WNA Sama Bilbao y León is urging decision makers to convince investors that nuclear assets are investable

Wind turbine manufacturers EU beginning return to profit industry

Wind turbine manufacturers in EU are beginning to return to profit

04 January 2024 - The year 2024 will remain challenging for the EU wind industry but the tide seems to be turning, according to WindEurope's CEO Giles Dickson


Wind project on Vlašić mountain in BiH needs no environmental study

03 January 2024 - Energokul won't need an environmental impact assessment study for its 200 MW wind farm project on the Vlašić mountain in BiH


Kosovo* increases ceiling price for first solar power auction

29 December 2023 - The Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo* said the ceiling price for bidders in the first solar power auction would be EUR 75 per MWh

Most read 2023 Balkan Green Energy News

Most read articles on Balkan Green Energy News in 2023

29 December 2023 - The more the energy transition progresses, the more questions and challenges arise. Here are the most important topics, according to the readers of Balkan Green Energy News.

Spain start shutting down nuclear reactors 2027

Spain to start shutting down nuclear reactors in 2027

28 December 2023 - Spain changed the nuclear waste management plan, raising costs and making the extension of the phaseout even less likely

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