eles siemens energy memorandum Adnan Chaudhry mervar presern slovenia

ELES, Siemens Energy enter strategic partnership to develop digital technologies for electricity grids

09 October 2024 - Slovenia’s operator of the combined transmission and distribution network ELES has signed an MoU with Siemens Energy

Greek transmission operator to introduce measures for fair curtailments

Greek transmission operator to introduce measures for fair curtailments

10 September 2024 - The Greek renewable energy market faces growing curtailments until 2030 even if the storage goals from the NECP are met

north macedonia evn interactive map saltirovski solar grid connections

North Macedonia’s DSO launches interactive map of free capacity for connecting solar power plants

15 August 2024 - Sasho Saltirovski, the DSO's chief, said there was no such tool in the region and beyond at the time when the firm decided to make the map

montenegro cedis grid losses ceo ivanovic

Montenegrin DSO to reduce grid losses to below 10%

09 August 2024 - Montenegrin DSO Crnogorski elektrodistributivni sistem has reduced losses in its grid from 12.93% to 10.84%

eds ceo biljana komnenic elektrodistribucija srbije

Biljana Komnenić takes helm of Serbia’s DSO

22 July 2024 - The Government of Serbia has dismissed the acting director of distribution system operator Elektrodistribucija Srbije, Bojan Atlagić

Heat pumps and electric cars expected to bring small rise in power demand for Greece

Heat pumps, electric cars expected to contribute little to power demand growth in Greece

10 July 2024 - Contrary to earlier estimates, heat pumps and electric cars are not expected to significantly raise electricity demand in Greece.

Small Greek investors faced with cancellations for renewable energy projects in the distribution network

Small Greek investors in renewables face cancellations of projects on distribution level

09 July 2024 - HEDNO stopped accepting applications for renewables in 2022 as the distribution network's couldn't integrate any more capacity

eu necp solar targets grids flexibility solarpower europe

EU countries update NECPs: 2030 solar goals lifted by 90% but grids lag

25 April 2024 - SolarPower Europe said grid and flexibility planning trail far behind renewables goals, putting the energy transition at risk

New law in Greece introduces increased curtailments, rules for future auctions, Apollo self consumption program

New law in Greece to increase curtailments, regulate auctions, roll out Apollo self-consumption program

08 April 2024 - Several big changes are introduced in the Greek energy market through a new bill of law submitted by the relevant ministry

serbia connection to the grid ems solar wind

Serbia rolls out grid connection delay option for wind, solar to secure system stability

02 April 2024 - Serbia’s TSO Elektromreža Srbije has decided to delay connecting a part of solar and wind power projects to the grid

sasa mujovic montenegro eu growth plan for western balkans

Montenegro to submit hydropower, grid projects for EU Growth Plan financing

03 January 2024 - The Ministry of Energy prepared a list of reform measures to submit to the EU in cooperation with the Ministry of European Affairs and the EU Delegation

eu action plan grids european commission

Industry welcomes EU’s grid action plan but criticizes lack of some crucial measures

29 November 2023 - The European Commission has presented a 14-point action plan for seven challenges to improving electricity grids

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