citizen energy damir miljevic mirza kusljugic

Citizen energy – the cornerstone of a sustainable and efficient energy transition

29 July 2022 - Damir Miljević and Mirza Kušljugić from RESET explain the role of citizens in the energy transition

feature nikola rajakovic energy transition 3d

ENERGY TRANSITION – 3D array is key for tracking trends (part two)

27 April 2020 - Author: Prof. Nikola Rajaković, School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), University of Belgrade The central trends...

Smart metering project connects 300 solar panel owners in decentralized power network

20 May 2019 - The LIFE+ SmartPV project has connected around 300 solar panel owners in Cyprus in a...

Energy Community published Policy Guidelines on prosumers

Energy Community published Policy Guidelines on prosumers

14 February 2018 - The Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat has issued Policy Guidelines on the Grid Integration of Prosumers...
