
International Summer School cardaci reic

Applications open for International Summer School on energy planning

13 June 2023 - 18th International Summer School, themed Advanced Planning of Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy, will be held from August 10 to 19

BEF-2023-Constantinescu Grid operators integrate hundreds gigawatts renewables Norela Constantinescu

Constantinescu: Grid operators working to integrate hundreds of gigawatts from renewables

25 May 2023 - The challenges in adding wind and solar farms to the electricity networks in Europe are being solved along the way as technology progresses

Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 leaders energy transition SEE

Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 – where the leaders of energy transition in SEE meet

27 February 2023 - Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 will gather 400 energy transition leaders. The two-day conference has drawn great interest, so hurry and secure your spot.

SEEPEX, Traken Tech to cooperate on introducing blockchain in electricity market

SEEPEX, Traken Tech to cooperate on introducing blockchain in electricity market

30 December 2022 - Cooperation will also include aggregation and market utilization of small-scale renewables, and the introduction of guarantees of origin

entso e dso entity digital twin power grid

ENTSO-E, DSO Entity are developing Digital Twin of European electricity grid

22 December 2022 - The two associations intend to use the Digital Twin of the EU grid to coordinate the investments for the digitalization of the energy system

HERMANN Petr_interview_Schneider Electric BGEN

Future of successful businesses relies on their digital transformation

30 November 2022 - Digitalisation changes everything because it connects all processes and provides a complete result, notes Petr Hermann, Schneider Electric Cluster President, Southeast Europe, in an interview for the Balkan Green Energy News

ESO to be fit to connect 4,500 MW of new power plants by 2024

Bulgarian system operator plans to connect 4.5 GW of new capacities by 2024

03 June 2022 - Bulgaria’s transmission system operator will finish necessary investments 18 months earlier then planned

Virtual power plants power market prosumers

Virtual power plants to enable power market access for prosumers in Croatia

26 May 2022 - The law in Croatia allows households with solar panels to group and place excess energy in the market, though it is too expensive for now

EBRD is looking for consultant to accelerate development of renewables in Serbia digitalization

EBRD tenders consulting services to facilitate green investments in Serbia

22 March 2022 - The bank expects a two-year digitalization project to cut the red tape for investors in renewable energy sources

GEN-I plans to install 1 GW of solar power plants until 2030 - development plan

GEN-I plans to install 1 GW of solar power plants by 2030 – development plan

11 June 2021 - Slovenian energy trader GEN-I prepared a EUR 1 billion strategic development plan to accelerate decarbonization in the country.

Serbia change laws energy sector greener minister

Minister Mihajlović: Serbia to change laws, make energy sector greener

11 November 2020 - Minister of Mining and Energy of Serbia Zorana Mihajlović vowed to improve legislation for energy, renewables and energy efficiency

Greece law on sustainable urban mobility plans micromobility

Greece drafts law on sustainable urban mobility plans, micromobility

05 October 2020 - Municipalities in Greece will need to adopt sustainable urban mobility plans, according to a draft...

Kranj Slovenia digital smart city

Kranj in Slovenia starts digital makeover to become smart city

28 September 2020 - Households in the Mlaka pri Kranju suburb in Slovenia’s fourth-largest city, are soon getting access...

feature nikola rajakovic energy transition 3d

ENERGY TRANSITION – 3D array is key for tracking trends (part two)

27 April 2020 - Author: Prof. Nikola Rajaković, School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), University of Belgrade The central trends...

EU heads promise to stick with sustainability in COVID-19 recovery

EU heads promise to stick with sustainability in COVID-19 recovery

31 March 2020 - Members of the European Council added a reference to the green transition to the draft...

energy transition

Energy transition – Incentives should be abandoned, renewables left to the market (part two)

26 September 2019 - Author: Goran Granić, director of Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar The biggest problem with all energy...

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