07 September 2021 - Almost 12,000 people died from 2018 to 2020 because of breaches of pollution ceilings in coal-fired thermal power plants in the Western Balkans.
01 September 2021 - Locals and environmentalists said the draft environmental study for Ugljevik 3 coal project is incomplete and that it doesn't reveal the real potential damage
20 August 2021 - Within its decarbonization process, KEK will develop infrastructure for the production of green energy, including a solar power plant of 100 MW
18 August 2021 - In 2020, the EU consumed 63% and 64% less hard coal and brown coal, respectively, than in 1990, according to Eurostat's data.
18 August 2021 - EEB warns of a massive financial and health bill as big industrial units that use lignite stretched rules from the Industrial Emissions Directive
10 August 2021 - Since the beginning of 2020, the G20 countries have committed at least USD 296 billion for fossil fuels and USD 227 billion for renewables.
19 July 2021 - Greece has achieved a 56.3% reduction in emissions in the sectors covered by the EU ETS, the third best performance among member states.
13 July 2021 - The Western Balkans’ 18 coal-fired power plants released twice as much sulfur dioxide in 2019 as all 221 such facilities in the EU.
09 July 2021 - Producers of electricity from coal and traders in the Energy Community enjoy record profits as they don't have to pay for CO2 emissions, Janez Kopač said
06 July 2021 - Western Balkans need to set ambitious climate targets for the period through 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by mid-century, CAN Europe said
30 June 2021 - Environmentalists demand Comsar's concession for coal plant Ugljevik 3 to be canceled following a construction deal between previously unknown firms
07 June 2021 - Unnamed sources said the construction of unit 7 in thermal power plant Tuzla most probably won't proceed as GE decided not to supply the equipment
02 June 2021 - Market liberalization implies rising power prices and Kosovo* must make sure it happens gradually, Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač warned
27 May 2021 - Over half of entire SO2 emissions in the continent in 2019 originated in Southeastern Europe, Ember said in an analysis
21 May 2021 - EPBiH intends to include CO2 expenses in its financial reports from next year at the initiative of the Energy Community Secretariat
20 May 2021 - Government-owned utility EPBiH said it would reduce the number of employees in its seven coal mines to get the subsidiaries on a firm footing