coal phaseout


North Macedonia first in region to set coal phaseout date – thermal power plants will be shut down by 2028

25 June 2021 - North Macedonia is the first country in the Western Balkans to make a decision on abandoning coal, announcing it will shut down its thermal power plants by 2028.

Slovenia's mayors set council to secure just transition for coal phaseout

Slovenia’s mayors set council to secure just transition for coal phaseout

22 June 2021 - The government has published action plans for phasing out coal, documents which will help Slovenia to apply at Just transition fund.

COVID-19 crisis is opportunity for GGF to promote sustainable growth interview Green for Growth Fund GGF Olaf Zymelka

COVID-19 crisis is opportunity for GGF to promote sustainable growth

17 June 2021 - GGF is encouraging and financing financial institutions which share its vision of building back better, Chairperson Olaf Zymelka said

EBRD auctions number one tool renewable energy interview Matteo Colangeli

EBRD promotes auctions as number one tool for renewable energy growth

09 June 2021 - EBRD's Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli says it is helping roll out renewable energy auctions and that it would fund decarbonization and bilateral power purchase agreements

Tuzla 7 coal plant BiH sunk GE s exit

Tuzla 7 coal plant project in BiH sunk by GE’s exit, officials reveal

07 June 2021 - Unnamed sources said the construction of unit 7 in thermal power plant Tuzla most probably won't proceed as GE decided not to supply the equipment

People lignite areas Greece buy bonds solar projects

People in lignite areas in Greece will be able to buy bonds for solar projects

04 June 2021 - PPC intends to offer residents of the two coal-reliant regions in Greece to invest in its energy transition projects, reportedly with yields of up to 7% per year

Kopac Kosovo no future for coal power plants

Kopač tells Kosovo* there is no future for coal power plants

02 June 2021 - Market liberalization implies rising power prices and Kosovo* must make sure it happens gradually, Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač warned

North Macedonia investments energy EUR 3 1 billion 2027

North Macedonia plans investments in energy of EUR 3.1 billion by 2027

01 June 2021 - Prime Minister Zaev said investments in energy of EUR 3.1 billion are expected by 2027, of which the overwhelming majority is for renewables


Think tanks supporting Western Balkans accelerate energy transition, reach Green Deal

27 May 2021 - A project implemented by Agora Energiewende will support regional governments in developing strategies and plans for coal phasing out, increasing the share of renewables, and identifying the financing sources. 

Serbia s coal fired thermal power plants keep working 2050

Serbia’s coal-fired thermal power plants to keep working until 2050

27 May 2021 - Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlović said a plan would be developed for the operation of thermal power plants in Serbia until 2050

Romania EU close all coal mines 2032

Romania tells EU it would close all coal mines by 2032

26 May 2021 - Romania said it intends to stop the excavation of coal in 2032 at the latest and replace conventional power plants in the meantime

G7 agrees to eliminate international funding for coal power generation

G7 agrees to eliminate international funding for coal power generation

25 May 2021 - The group of the wealthiest developed countries became "net zero G7" this year as they all vowed to eliminate net emissions by 2050.

EPBiH calculate CO2 prices internally deal Energy Community

EPBiH to calculate CO2 costs internally after deal with Energy Community

21 May 2021 - EPBiH intends to include CO2 expenses in its financial reports from next year at the initiative of the Energy Community Secretariat

EPBiH restructure troubled coal mines cut jobs

EPBiH agrees to restructure troubled coal mines, cut jobs

20 May 2021 - Government-owned utility EPBiH said it would reduce the number of employees in its seven coal mines to get the subsidiaries on a firm footing


EU member states to receive EUR 17.5 billion in grants for fossil fuel phaseout

20 May 2021 - Workers in the coal industry and regions that depend on it in the EU will be able to tap on the EUR 17.5 billion Just Transition Fund

Slovenia's coal power plant TES to generate EUR 870 loss by 2030

Slovenia’s coal power plant TEŠ to generate EUR 870 million loss by 2030

10 May 2021 - The closure of Šoštanj power plant could be inevitable even before 2033, currently the most optimistic scenario for Slovenia’s coal phaseout. 

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