The damage from ocean plastic pollution could reach USD 731 billion by 2050

Ocean plastic pollution damage could reach USD 731 billion by 2050

06 August 2024 - If the influx of plastic waste into the ocean continues, the potential economic damage could total USD 731 billion by 2050

co2 is co2 zero waste europe calls for including incineration in eu ets

CO2 is CO2: Zero Waste Europe calls for including incineration in EU ETS

25 June 2024 - Incinerators are poised to become the most carbon-intensive power source once coal is phased out, claims Zero Waste Europe

shell energy europe cropex guarantees of origin

Shell Energy Europe to participate in guarantees of origin auctions in Croatia

08 May 2024 - Shell Energy Europe Limited and 3Degrees Group Inc. have registered for participation in auctions for guarantees of origin at CROPEX

China’s energy transition on track for carbon neutrality by 2060

24 April 2024 - China is making huge progress toward its goal of reducing net emissions to zero, Norwegian consulting firm DNV estimated in a report

eu law trucks buss zero emissions

EU agrees to eliminate almost all emissions from trucks, buses by 2040

22 January 2024 - The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament reached a deal on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles

kosovo necp energy community recommendations

Energy Community urges Kosovo* to commit in its NECP to phasing out coal by 2050

05 January 2024 - The Energy Community Secretariat doesn’t have any major objections to Kosovo's draft National Energy and Climate Plan

bih necp draft energy community secretariat recommendations

BiH’s NECP lacks clear set of policies, measures, investment needs – Energy Community

04 January 2024 - The Energy Community Secretariat has issued recommendations on Bosnia and Herzegovina's draft National Energy and Climate Plan

Air France–KLM world’s first Sustainable Aviation Fuel, SAF, user

Air France–KLM tops world chart of sustainable aviation fuel usage

28 December 2023 - Air France–KLM group is the world’s largest sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) user for the second consecutive year


Seven European countries to shut down all CO2-emitting power plants by 2035

19 December 2023 - The agreement was concluded as part of the Pentalateral Energy Forum, chaired by the Netherlands this year


Italy to store its captured CO2 in Greece from 2030

07 September 2023 - Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a new technology that may allow industries to reduce their CO2 footprint

Climate change conference in Bonn: 2023 is key for global climate decisions

22 June 2023 - Participants at the climate conference in Bonn agreed that 2023 is crucial to correct the course and get on track to limit global warming

bih necp national energy and climate plan softic neum

BiH’s NECP: coal power plants to be shut, 2 GW of renewables installed

28 April 2023 - The draft national energy and climate plan of BiH was presented for the first time at the Energy Summit 2023 in Neum

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