26 August 2022 - The consultant should help define a development strategy for EPS’ production portfolio and offer recommendations for investment in new and existing power plants
11 July 2022 - The inauguration of the power exchanges would be a big step forward as now there is only one operational exchange in the region
29 June 2022 - The Council of the EU and European Parliament are set for talks on the Fit-for-55 package. Both agree new combustion engines should be banned by 2035.
23 June 2022 - MEPs want to maintain free emission allowances for industrial producers in the EU after the CO2 border tax is fully implemented in 2030
08 June 2022 - The European Parliament rejected a set of law proposals within the Fit-for-55 climate package including the CBAM carbon border tax scheme
18 May 2022 - Countries are doing so in order to accelerate decarbonization, but also to avoid paying the carbon border tax announced by the EU
15 April 2022 - Swedish lawmakers backed the proposal to include CO2 emissions from the production and transport of imported goods in climate targets
22 March 2022 - Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH is preparing a roadmap for the introduction of the CO2 taxing and trading system
23 February 2022 - The EU's carbon border tax or national CO2 pricing systems will affect both businesses and citizens in the region, businesspeople and experts warned at the conference Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market.
09 February 2022 - Measures accompanying the CBAM must be directed to helping the Western Balkans adjust to the CO2 pricing system, experts say
01 February 2022 - The EU's energy taxation and carbon pricing policies don't square with its climate goals, the European Court of Auditors said in a review
21 January 2022 - The Western Balkans need to step up the integration of their power markets and roll out carbon pricing to avoid the CO2 border tax, Agora said
21 January 2022 - In Belgrade on February 22, Balkan Green Energy News is organizing a conference on the outlook for Serbia’s electricity market for the next few years and new roles of market players.
12 January 2022 - The draft report is part of the legislative procedure for the adoption of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM)
30 December 2021 - The most important topics for our readers in 2021 were lithium, the coal phaseout and investment in renewable energy in Serbia
23 November 2021 - The decarbonization roadmap will be discussed at the meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community in Belgrade on November 30