20 December 2022 - The EU is set to fully phase out free carbon allowances for the industry four years after it implements the carbon border tax, CBAM, in its entirety
06 December 2022 - Many EU member states are prioritizing energy security over decarbonization and reviving retired coal power plants, MEP Petros Kokkalis said
29 June 2022 - The Council of the EU and European Parliament are set for talks on the Fit-for-55 package. Both agree new combustion engines should be banned by 2035.
23 June 2022 - MEPs want to maintain free emission allowances for industrial producers in the EU after the CO2 border tax is fully implemented in 2030
16 May 2022 - Switching from coal straight to solar and wind energy and battery storage would enable electricity producers in the EU to save USD 90 per ton of CO2 on the carbon price, says TransitionZero
08 April 2022 - Renters in Germany are bearing the burden from a CO2 tax for heating systems, but new rules aim to make landlords pay a fair share
09 February 2022 - Measures accompanying the CBAM must be directed to helping the Western Balkans adjust to the CO2 pricing system, experts say
14 January 2022 - The carbon capture technology is still experimental, but it may have a shot with a proper funding scheme and a functional market
14 December 2021 - The paper, prepared by the Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB), summarizes the measures taken by all nine contracting parties
08 November 2021 - A USD 100 rise in carbon taxes would be a significant shock to the global economy but it falls well within the realms of potential scenarios
17 September 2021 - Only about a fifth of the energy price increase can be attributed to the rising costs of CO2 emissions, while the rest is simply due to a market shortage, says the European Commission’s vice president in charge of climate issues.
20 August 2021 - Electricity markets in the region have seen daily prices of up to EUR 120 per MWh in recent days, an increase of about EUR 30 against the same period in 2019.
06 August 2021 - Producers of cement, aluminium, electricity, and steel could face additional costs estimated at EUR 399-771 million in 2026.
14 July 2021 - As clean hydrogen remains far less cost-effective than fossil fuels, the EU is urged to adopt policies that would bring down its production costs and make it competitive with fossil fuels.
30 June 2021 - Energy Community Just Transition Forum: to make sure the energy transition is just, it needs to be gradual.
02 June 2021 - Market liberalization implies rising power prices and Kosovo* must make sure it happens gradually, Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač warned