carbon border adjustment mechanism

EU phase in CO2 border tax CBAM end 2033 eliminates free carbon permits

EU to phase in CO2 border tax by end-2033, when it fully eliminates free carbon permits

20 December 2022 - The EU is set to fully phase out free carbon allowances for the industry four years after it implements the carbon border tax, CBAM, in its entirety

EU reaches agreement on carbon border tax CBAM

EU reaches deal on carbon border tax

14 December 2022 - The application of carbon tax on imported commodities and electricity has been pushed back from January 1 to October 1, 2023

MEP Kokkalis EU penalize coal power Western Balkans CBAM

MEP Kokkalis: EU shouldn’t penalize coal power in Western Balkans while producing coal-fired electricity itself

06 December 2022 - Many EU member states are prioritizing energy security over decarbonization and reviving retired coal power plants, MEP Petros Kokkalis said

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

29 June 2022 - The Council of the EU and European Parliament are set for talks on the Fit-for-55 package. Both agree new combustion engines should be banned by 2035.

EP votes protect EU industry after CO2 border tax fully implemented

EP votes to protect EU industry even after CO2 border tax is fully implemented

23 June 2022 - MEPs want to maintain free emission allowances for industrial producers in the EU after the CO2 border tax is fully implemented in 2030

European Parliament delays decision carbon border tax CBAM

European Parliament delays decision to introduce carbon border tax – CBAM

08 June 2022 - The European Parliament rejected a set of law proposals within the Fit-for-55 climate package including the CBAM carbon border tax scheme

Agora Faster decarbonization Western Balkans EU CO2 border tax

Agora: Faster decarbonization in Western Balkans would ease impact of EU’s CO2 border tax

21 January 2022 - The Western Balkans need to step up the integration of their power markets and roll out carbon pricing to avoid the CO2 border tax, Agora said


Serbia freezes electricity prices to help businesses through energy crisis

04 November 2021 - The Serbian government has ordered state power utility EPS to keep electricity prices for business customers unchanged until the end of November.


Turkish exporters to EU face EUR 771 million burden due to carbon border tax

06 August 2021 - Producers of cement, aluminium, electricity, and steel could face additional costs estimated at EUR 399-771 million in 2026.


Serbia in talks with UGT Renewables on 1 GW in solar power plant projects

02 August 2021 - Serbia intends to sign a contract soon with Chicago-based UGT Renewables for the installation of photovoltaic systems with a combined capacity of 1 GW

carbon border tax explanation western balkans

EU announces carbon border tax from 2026 – what lies ahead for exporters from Western Balkans, Turkey

16 July 2021 - CBAM will be paid from 2026 on cement, iron, steel, fertilizers, aluminium and electricity, but power producers have on option to be exempted until 2030.


Energy Community Just Transition Forum: transition to clean energy must be gradual

30 June 2021 - Energy Community Just Transition Forum: to make sure the energy transition is just, it needs to be gradual.


Petar Đokić: Republic of Srpska cannot escape paying for CO2 emissions

25 June 2021 - Fossil fuels are not the future, but they certainly are our present, says Petar Đokić, minister of mining and energy of the Republic of Srpska.

Electricity prices for companies are rising - how consumers can ease burden

20 to 50 percent increase of electricity price for companies in Serbia – how businesses can ease this burden?

18 June 2021 - Serbia has been delaying the energy transition for years, but the impact of the energy transition in the EU has spilled over to the country through the electricity prices for businesses.

Carbon border tax to be imposed on steel, iron, cement, fertilizers, aluminium, electricity - leaked draft

Carbon border tax to be imposed on steel, iron, cement, fertilizers, aluminium, electricity – leaked draft

07 June 2021 - The European Commission is considering a transitional period of three years for fully implementing CBAM, from 2023 until 2026.

energy transition serbia kolubara b

Energy transition in Serbia kicks off – challenges in planning, implementation

03 June 2021 - Serbia’s decision to halt the construction of thermal power plant Kolubara B is the country’s first serious step in the energy transition.

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