Earth Overshoot Day 2024

Earth Overshoot Day 2024: Slovenia to exhaust its credit on May 25

24 April 2024 - Earth Overshoot Day is an annual indicator of when we start living beyond the resources available in a particular year

Earth Overshoot Day 2023 – humanity’s biocapacity consumption turns unsustainable

02 August 2023 - Earth Overshoot Day for 2023 falls on August 2. It is when humanity's consumption of natural resources and services turns unsustainable for the rest of the year.

resource consumption Earth Overshoot Day Balkans global average

Earth Overshoot Day – resource consumption in Balkans is above global average

08 July 2022 - The Earth Overshoot Day for 2022, the date when humanity spends all the planet's renewable resources for one year, lands on July 28
