battery storage

Lithium salts health hazard EU

Lithium salts could be declared health hazard in EU

09 June 2022 - A major lithium producer threatened to close its plant in Germany if the European Union declares the material dangerous to human health

TransitionZero switching straight to renewables is now cheaper than coal-to-gas shift

TransitionZero: switching straight to renewables is now cheaper than coal-to-gas shift

16 May 2022 - Switching from coal straight to solar and wind energy and battery storage would enable electricity producers in the EU to save USD 90 per ton of CO2 on the carbon price, says TransitionZero


AES Bulgaria to look into developing solar, energy storage projects

05 May 2022 - AES Bulgaria will explore options for developing a combined 100 MW solar power and battery energy storage project

SolarEdge Roadshow SEE 2022

Join SolarEdge Roadshow 2022 touring South-East Europe in May, June

13 April 2022 - This spring, for the first time, Solar Edge is touring six countries of the SEE region in a series of in-person event programs

EU Bulgaria recovery resilience EUR 6 3 billion grants

EU greenlights Bulgaria’s recovery, resilience plan

07 April 2022 - The EU is about to formally adopt a EUR 6.3 billion grant package for Bulgaria as the European Commission finally endorsed its recovery and resilience plan

Hellenic Petroleum Europe biggest solar park two sided panels

Hellenic Petroleum inaugurates Europe’s biggest solar park with two-sided panels

06 April 2022 - Oil refiner Hellenic Petroleum put the largest solar park in Greece into operation while PM Mitsotakis said coal output must jump 50%

Slovenia Croatia trial operation joint 50 MWh battery storage

Slovenia, Croatia launch trial operation of joint 50 MWh battery storage

06 April 2022 - The Sincro.Grid project passed another milestone with the start of the trial operation of two battery storage units with 10 MW in total power

Kosovo to install 200 MWh battery storage system

Kosovo* to install 200 MWh battery storage system

24 March 2022 - The government has approved the initiative to negotiate the co-financing agreement between Kosovo* and the US development agency MCC

Bulgarian state-owned firm to develop battery energy storage network

Bulgarian state-owned firm to develop battery energy storage network

15 March 2022 - The Restore project in Bulgaria for battery energy storage will have a capacity of 6 GWh, and it will balance electricity from renewables

Vulcan expands Italy geothermal lithium research permit

Vulcan expands to Italy with geothermal lithium research permit

02 February 2022 - The Cesano geothermal area near Rome has potential for sustainable lithium battery chemicals development, Vulcan Energy said

Turkey gets first battery-only power project worth USD 250 million

Turkey gets first battery-only power project, worth USD 250 million

27 January 2022 - Progresiva applied for the installation and operation of an energy storage system at a site near Istanbul, the first of its kind in Turkey

Greece EU state aid Amfilochia plant renewables islands

Greece gets EU nod for state aid for Amfilochia plant, renewables in islands

21 December 2021 - Greece will support the construction of the Amfilochia pumped storage plant and the development of renewables in non-interconnected islands

Renewable energy projects 95 GW compete Greece

Renewable energy projects of 95 GW compete for completion in Greece

02 December 2021 - An overwhelming number of renewable energy projects received a production license or a producer certificate in Greece so far

Europe first LFP battery gigafactory built in Serbia ElevenEs

Europe’s first LFP battery factory to be built in Serbia

21 October 2021 - ElevenEs will produce LFP batteries for vehicles and energy storage in Subotica, Serbia. It will build the plant with the help of EU funds.

Maker biggest tidal power plant upscale tech Orbital

Orbital Marine Power to upscale its floating tidal power technology across Europe

02 October 2021 - Orbital Marine Power is heading towards the commercialization of its O2 turbine, recently deployed offshore Scotland. The company is heading the EU-backed project FORWARD-2030.

thermal battery thermal power plants twest e2s

Thermal energy storage TWEST enables CO2-free electricity production at thermal power plants

23 September 2021 - E2S Power presented in its demonstration facility in Serbia’s capital Belgrade, the innovative thermal energy storage TWEST.

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