19 February 2024 - Montenegro has issued the draft Law on the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources, which introduces a number of novelties
15 February 2024 - Seven companies have won support for 11 standalone battery projects at Greece's second energy storage auction
16 December 2023 - The prerequisite for Montenegro to conduct auctions is to introduce a renewable energy law. The final draft is set to be finished next year.
10 November 2023 - After the success of Greece's first energy storage auction, the government has changed the terms ahead of the upcoming second and third ones
01 November 2023 - The inauguration of VE Alibunar I could be seen as an overture to the second wave of investments in wind energy in Serbia
04 September 2023 - Croatian regulatory body HROTE has invited investors to fill out questionnaires to help it improve auction rules and conditions
22 August 2023 - In 2022 Spain recorded its highest annual additions of PV plants, which made it the largest PV market in Europe and the fifth in the world
18 August 2023 - The EU should be adding an average of 11 GW of offshore capacity per year by 2030 to reach its energy and climate targets
10 August 2023 - The Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY) completed the selection process in the first energy storage auction in Greece.
02 August 2023 - The Federation of BiH has adopted a set of reform energy laws, including the law on renewable energy and efficient cogeneration
13 July 2023 - The results confirm the attractiveness of investing in offshore wind energy in Germany, said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur
12 July 2023 - Competition is high in Greece's first energy storage auction, as 95 offers were submitted to the regulatory authority
05 July 2023 - The spring of 2023 brought significant regulatory changes in the renewable energy sector in Serbia
29 June 2023 - The Government of Croatia has adopted the long-awaited decree on incentives for electricity generation from renewable sources
14 June 2023 - The quotas in Serbia's first-ever renewable energy auctions are 400 MW for wind power and 50 MW for solar power
12 June 2023 - The share of renewable energy sources in the Greek electricity production mix reached a new monthly record in May, of 54%.