20 September 2023 - Climate Talks, with two panels, were held as part of Climate Week, which was organized with support from the German embassy
11 September 2023 - The initiative incentivizes ambitious regions and communities of the contracting parties to take action in the air quality segment
07 September 2023 - The quality of air can significantly impact our health and quality of life. In Southeast Europe, air pollution is the leading environmental threat to public health.
25 August 2023 - The Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade has announced a tender for the procurement of 11,500 air purifiers
09 June 2023 - The World Bank has approved a USD 50 million loan to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
14 April 2023 - Federal Minister of Environment and Tourism Edita Đapo met with the heads of Megamix and e-GO to discuss the electromobility project
28 February 2023 - EPPO's office in Sofia is carrying out searches and investigation in a probe into fraud regarding the EU Emissions Trading System
26 December 2022 - North Macedonia introduced emergency measures to reduce air pollution and protect the population and issued recommendations
23 December 2022 - Big solar thermal projects are seen as the proper solution for district heating decarbonization in the region
09 December 2022 - The government adopted the Air Protection Program for the Republic of Serbia for the period 2022-2030 with an action plan
09 December 2022 - With its new cogeneration plant and a district heating network upgrade, Gjakova has set an example for municipal authorities in the Balkans
25 November 2022 - Liquid 3 is a photo-bioreactor with microalgae that cleans the air and serves as a bench in the Belgrade city centre
23 November 2022 - An earlier study showed that thermal power plants in the Western Balkans emit 2.5 times as much SO2 as those in the EU
27 October 2022 - The EU is amending the regulations for ambient air, surface and groundwater pollutants and urban wastewater treatment
26 October 2022 - The Eurobarometer survey on Air Quality was conducted in all 27 European Union's countries in March and April
16 September 2022 - The plant is closed for exceeding the amount of SO2 and will remain closed until it meets the norms and standards