
Slovenia to freeze electricity prices, add 1 GW in solar power to supply homes

Slovenia freeze power prices 1 GW solar power supply homes

Photo: Government of Slovenia


July 15, 2022



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July 15, 2022



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The Government of Slovenia declared the first level of emergency in electricity production, Prime Minister Robert Golob said. He added one of the measures is to build large solar power plants of 1 GW in total 2025 to meet the needs of one third of the country’s households. Electricity prices will be frozen from September 1.

Soon after the Energy Agency of Slovenia declared a gas supply warning, indicating it could introduce extraordinary measures to preserve stability, the government declared the first level of emergency in electricity production. Prime Minister Robert Golob, who announced the move, explained the goal is to preserve fuel in the sector for the winter, “from oil derivatives to gas to coal,” and double strategic commodity reserves.

In an interview with state broadcaster RTV Slovenija, he said the crisis mode is also intended to make people aware they should think about saving energy. As for the plans for the winter, the government also decided to freeze power prices for households and small businesses for one year, starting on September 1.

Solar power to keep bills stable for 40 years

The third measure is to prepare the electricity system to handle another 1 GW in large solar power plants by 2025. The plan will be produced with transmission system operator ELES and distribution system operator SODO, the government said.

The large solar power units for supplying households will be located where the grid can handle them

According to Golob, the facilities would be built to enable access to one third of households in Slovenia through a community platform. The price will be known in advance so there will be no issues with expensive electricity for the next 40 years, the prime minister claimed. The solar power units will be located where the grid can handle them, he added.

Savings for households, small firms estimated at 15% to nearly 60%

Minister of Infrastructure Bojan Kumer said the price freeze would be paired with supply chain optimization so that suppliers can sell electricity with smaller profits.

The item in the bills covering contribution for renewables will be halved and value-added tax will be cut to 9.5%. The excise duty for electricity was earlier reduced by 50%.

The higher tariff for households and small firms will be set at 11.8 eurocents per kilowatt-hour, compared to 8.2 cents for the lower tariff and 9.8 cents for the single tariff. Kumar estimated annual savings at 15% to almost 60%, depending on the current prices paid to suppliers.

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