
Serbia sees waste from commercial activities rise 3.3% in 2017

Photo: Pixabay


July 13, 2018



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July 13, 2018



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Waste generated from commercial activities in Serbia in 2017 increased 3.3% compared to the previous year, to 48.9 million metric tons, the Statistics Office has said in a news release.

Of the total, 64.7% was non-hazardous waste and 35.3% hazardous waste.

By activity, declines in waste generation were reported by agriculture, 6.3%, mining, 0.8%, water supply and wastewater management, 12%, construction, 4.3%, and services, 15.6%.

Increases in generated waste were recorded in manufacturing, 28.3%, and electricity, gas, and steam supply, 27.1%. The higher volumes of generated waste were due to a stronger output of basic metals and electricity produced by coal-fired power plants.

Most of the generated waste, 48.3 million metric tons, was treated, of which 46.5 million metric tons, or 96.2%, was landfilled.

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