Energy Efficiency

Power Plants 2023 conference to be held in November at Zlatibor, Serbia

International Conference POWER PLANTS from November 8 to 10, 2023, at Zlatibor, Serbia

Foto: Freepik


October 18, 2023



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October 18, 2023



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The Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia is organizing the international Power Plants conference with the theme ‘Energy resources, energy efficiency, ecological and exploitation aspects of work of power plants’. It will be held from November 8 to 10 in Palisad Hotel at the Zlatibor mountain.

The international Power Plants conference has been organized biannually since 2004. This year’s focus is on decarbonization, energy resources, sustainable development, competitiveness, and implementation of new policies, technologies, innovative solutions, and equipment.

The event will cover challenges in extending the power plant life cycle and operation, as well as environmental and climatic aspects.

Organized by the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia, Power Plants 2023 is dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about methods, strategies, and technologies capable of creating growth using natural resources and through the transition to a future knowledge-based society, the announcement reads.

The conference aims to gather energy policymakers, business leaders, researchers, technical experts, environmental engineers, and other professionals actively engaged in the strategic, economic, social, and environmental aspects of energy research, development, and operations.

This year the event will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environmental Protection and state-owned coal and power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije.

Developing countries are slowing in progress towards the energy transition

Climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the process of energy transition worldwide, the organizers noted. Leading economies are developing strategic plans for a rapid energy transition according to local needs and resources and planning large energy projects with huge budgets, the society added.

“Most of the new energy technologies envisaged in these plans are in the development phase without being proven at an industrial scale and without clear techno-economic indicators. Due to the high capital investment in new power plants and their long lifespan, developing and poor countries are determined to follow this trend, but with a time lag and without clear information about these new technologies,” the statement reads.

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