Photo: EnC
The 3rd Energy and Climate Committee Meeting, held on 21 March at the Energy Community (EnC) in Vienna, primarily focused on National Energy and Climate Plans, 2030 targets for renewables, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions reduction and main milestones, including challenges ahead of COP24.
Special focus of the meeting was on the development of integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). Ministers, Deputy Ministers and other representatives of Energy Community Contracting Parties and Observer countries responsible for climate and energy policy, representatives of the European Commission, the GIZ, UN, IRENA, the German Ministry of Environment, the Austrian Agency for Environment, think tanks, international financial organizations, other donors and civil society organizations gathered to discuss challenges and opportunities of NECPs. The discussion also focused on the importance of setting and meeting targets for renewables and energy efficiency, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction until 2030.
Following the adoption of the Recommendation on preparing for the development of integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) in EnC, meeting participants also discussed the recently drafted Guidance document relevant for the development of NECPs. The document was developed by the Energy Community Secretariat in cooperation with the European Commission and it lays out key steps on development of NECPs from start to finish, including main roles and pillars of the governance process.
Dubravka Bošnjak, ORF-EE Project Manager stated on the occasion that development of effective National Energy and Climate Plans inSEE partner countries is of utmost importance. She highlighted that the countries, in this context, rely on partner support and that the Guidance document is an important tool for them. She further stressed that “Development of NECPs is crucial for transparency of national efforts and increase of regulatory stability.”
As part of its extensive new climate adaptation approach, the GIZ ORF-EE will collaborate closely with SEE partner countries in the next two years, helping them develop NECPs, which should help bring about important change in the region.
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