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The Biodiversity Task Force (BD TF), the regional technical and advisory body working under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) – Regional Working Group on Environment (RWGE), invites interested parties to file submissions for associated members of the BD TF.
The BD TF is composed of focal points and deputy focal points with expertise in biodiversity and related intervention fields, nominated by the economies of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia.
Strengthening the Biodiversity Task Force (BD TF) is a component of the GIZ/Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Implementation of Biodiversity Agreements (ORF-BDU) project, whose representatives themselves are considered associate members of the BD TF.
As of today, the BD TF welcomes the interested parties’ submissions for associated members. The Call is open-ended and received applications will be examined by the BD TF on a case-by-case basis.
Shpresa Harasani, Chair of the BD TF, Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Albania, said: “The strengthened linkages with on-the-ground conservation and development implementation shall enable the BD TF to further engage and exchange with a much broader and more diverse range of stakeholders. In addition, the partnerships will certainly further allow to expand the existing capacity and scope of work, but also communication efforts of the BD TF.”
Opening up the BD TF for associated members includes strategic and practical considerations aiming also at promotion of closer interaction with the sectors and actors that depend and impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the region.
Applications for associate members, invited experts accepted
Agencies, organizations, bodies and individuals qualified in fields relating to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity may apply for non-voting associate membership of the BD TF in the following categories:
- Associate members – This category may include agencies, organizations or bodies that have interests, experiences or mandates compatible with those of the BD TF. This category welcomes both formal and informal structures;
- Invited experts – This category may include individuals invited to attend meetings or participate in processes on an ad-hoc or temporary basis, due to their specific expertise, experience or influence.
The associate membership would be open to those that have interests, experiences or mandates that correspond with those of the BD TF and may also be in a position to support or further the BD TF’s workplan either in financial terms or through actions, collaboration, knowledge, information and partnerships.
International Union for Conservation of Nature-Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (IUCN ECARO) acts as the BD TF Secretariat, and application forms are available on its website (contact email:
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