Photo: Balkan Green Energy News
Working on reforms in the areas of energy efficiency, climate change mitigation and biodiversity in South-East Europe, through the Open Regional Funds for SEE-Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE) and Biodiveristy (ORF-BD), the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) aims to support sustainable development of the region.
Long-term efforts of both regional GIZ projects are directed at providing necessary support to partner countries of SEE in sector reforms and EU integration processes, and in carefully mainstreaming social and economic development perspectives into their work.
Efforts, among others, include expert and capacity building support for the transposition of relevant EU aquis, implementation of EU and sectoral regional strategies, including responsibilities under global agreements, such as the Paris Agreement. This is further underpinned with knowledge sharing and awareness raising efforts by both ORFs.
In this context, GIZ’s regional projects have united forces in launching a joint interactive Questions and Answers Platform on Balkan Green Energy News (BGEN), which will be available to readers by the end of December 2017.
“Interesting aspect of the idea behind the initiation of the Platform was to provide BGEN readers and the general public with an opportunity to address direct sector relevant questions to either one of the GIZ projects, while getting acquainted with the projects’ work and sector conditions in the SEE region,” Emina Durmo, GIZ ORF-EE Advisor stated.
The Platform will be set-up in such way as to provide BGEN readers, relevant stakeholders and the general public, valuable sector and project relevant information, while at the same time giving both GIZ projects the opportunity to receive much valued public feedback.
The public will have the opportunity to addressed questions directly through
Select number of answers to questions posed will be made publically available on the BGEN Questions and Answer Platform page.
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