Photo: Pixabay
The German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU) is offering fellowships for university graduates from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia.
The DBU awards up to 60 fellowships per year for advanced qualification in all fields of environmental protection and nature conservation. Highly qualified graduates of all disciplines from CEE, including Bulgaria and Romania, are welcome to apply.
Deadlines to apply for the fellowships differ from country to country and should be checked, along with other requirements, on the DBU’s website.
The following documents are needed for online application in German or English:
- resume;
- description of a topic of environmental protection or nature conservation you would like to work on in Germany and which is of environmental relevance;
- copies of university certificates (master, diploma, bachelor);
- written statement by an academic advisor from the home country; alternatively by a supervisor;
- German and/or English language certificate.
The DBU fellowships cover a 6–12 months stay at German host institutions: universities, research institutes, companies, environmental- and nature protection agencies and authorities, NGOs, associations etc.
During the fellowship, practical solutions for current environmental issues are developed
During the fellowship, practical solutions for current environmental issues are developed. After their stay in Germany, the alumni are well qualified to tackle these issues in their home countries thus assuring efficient knowledge transfer, according to the DBU.
Working closely together in an international context helps to breakdown existing barriers. The acquired contacts will create a strong network of highly committed environmental experts, according to the foundation.
The acquired contacts will create a strong network of highly committed environmental experts
The fellowship recipients commit to participate regularly in the seminars, submit reports, to update their data in the online communication platform, to develop their German language abilities and to give notification of any changes relevant to the grant conditions, according to information provided on DBU’s website.
Based on the applications, DBU invites the best candidates to a selection interview in German or English in their native countries. Dates are announced well in advance. All fellowship approvals are decided upon by a selection committee.
The fellowship begins for all new fellowship recipients with an introductory seminar in Osnabrück, followed by a German language course lasting several weeks.
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