Photo: Pixabay
Power distribution company EVN and ProCredit Bank have created an offer for business consumers interested in the installation of photovoltaic systems. Use of renewable energy can lower businesses’ electricity bills, and help in reducing CO2 emissions.
Companies will be able to use ProCredit bank’s loans in order to finance the PV systems provided by EVN.
According to the EVN, this offer can solve two biggest challenges experienced by the customers – the need for a professional and quality service, and financing.
Bills can be reduced by over 30%, while the surplus energy can be sold on the market
Electricity costs can be reduced by over 30%, the surplus energy can be sold on the market, while the return of investment can be expected in the period of 6 to 8 years, EVN said.
By installing PV systems, customers also raise awareness about sustainable development in the country.
Loan line is designed for all legal entities with an interest rate from 3%
The ProCredit Bank’s loan line is designed for all legal entities with an interest rate from 3% and without a fee for granting the loan.
According to EVN, North Macedonia has more than 280 sunny days per year and the production of one PV panel can reach 1,500 kWh a year, which is far above the European average.
EVN will purchase surplus energy
Ilija Kjiroski, Head of Value-Added Energy Services Group at EVN Snabduvanje, said that the company will be creating a personalized turnkey solution.
The design will be made after an analysis of consumption, and the facility, while EVN will also deliver and install PV systems. The company will also purchase surplus energy.
Banks in ProCredit group have so far financed installed capacity of over 80 MW in this type of projects which contribute to the reduction of more than 68,000 tons of CO2, said Metodija Minoski, Head of Environmental Management Department of ProCredit Bank.
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