
EPBiH is looking for renewable projects to expand its green portfolio

EPBiH renewable projects public call

Photo: EPBiH headquarters in Sarajevo (EPBiH)


November 2, 2020


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November 2, 2020


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Power utility Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine (EPBiH) wants to buy hydropower, solar and wind power plants in operation and projects under development.

The move is not common for state-owned power companies in countries in the region that are outside of the European Union, and it could be said it is a surprise. Utilities from EU member states, for example Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP) and PPC from Greece, have already turned to such models.

HEP published a similar public call in July this year, and built its first wind farm – Korlat by taking over an already developed project.

The company is seeking proposals from individuals and legal entities

EPBiH has now issued a public call for individuals and legal entities wishing to sell their renewables’ power plants and developing projects.

EPBiH aims to significantly increase production from renewable sources

In line with the strategic goal of significantly increasing the share of electricity production from renewable sources, EPBiH has issued an invitation to interested parties – individuals and legal entities, to express interest in selling renewable energy projects that are already in operation and projects that under development, the public call reads.

Priority in the selection of developing projects will be given to power plants that are closer to completion

The call refers to hydropower plants in operation with an installed capacity of at least 1 MW as well as hydropower plants under development with an installed capacity of 10 MW and above, wind farms or projects of 3 MW or more and utility-scale solar power plants in operation or under development with an installed capacity of a minimum 1 MW.

Wind farms and solar power plants in development must have urban planning clearance, and the priority in the selection will be given to projects that are closer to completion, the call reads.

After the analysis, EPBiH will send an offer for selected projects

The deadline to send letters of interest is December 31.

After that, the company will evaluate offers and make a list of eligible projects, which will be ranked based on the levelized cost of production.

EPBiH said it would request more detailed information on the best-ranked projects and send purchase offers according to available funds.

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