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European associations of transmission and distribution system operators ENTSO-E and DSO Entity have agreed to develop a Digital Twin of the European electricity grid.
ENTSO-E and DSO Entity intend to use the Digital Twin of the European electricity grid to coordinate the investments for the digitalization of the energy system.
The two associations have signed a declaration of intent for developing a Digital Twin of the European electricity network.
It marks the initiation of the development of a sophisticated virtual model of the European Union’s grid.
The Digital Twin will ensure the development of innovative solutions and coordination of investment in five areas
The aim of the Digital Twin is to enhance the efficiency and smartness of the grid throughout the energy system as a whole and through continuous investment and innovation efforts for years to come.
It will ensure the development of innovative solutions and coordination of investment in five areas. The first is observability and controllability, followed by efficient infrastructure and network planning. Operations and simulations for a more resilient grid are the third segment in the project’s focus. Another area is active system management and forecasting to support flexibility and demand response.
The Digital Twin is also expected to strengthen data exchange between TSOs and DSOs.
The Digital Twin is part of the EU’s action plan Digitalizing the Energy System
The development of the Digital Twin is suggested in the EU’s action plan Digitalizing the Energy System, proposed by the European Commission in October. It outlined a series of measures to be taken to enable a swift transition where the European Green Deal and the Digital Decade policy programme for 2030 go hand in hand.
The idea is to enable the participation of a larger span of consumers
The European Commission has stressed the need to build a smarter and more interactive energy system to optimize resource efficiency and implement decarbonization, electrification, sector integration and the decentralization of the energy system.
The said activities will support the decrease of Europe’s dependence on external supply of fossil fuels, ensuring at the same time the affordability and sustainability of access to energy, and they will enable the participation of a larger span of consumers.
Ranieri: Futher guidance for grid operators to optimize their investments into smartening the network
Hervé Laffaye, President of the ENTSO-E Assembly, said that ENTSO-E and DSO Entity are already successfully collaborating in various areas to ensure a common approach for the European electricity grids. The declaration marks the path to a new activity to the common working endeavor of which the two partners are very proud of, he added.
According to Vincenzo Ranieri, President of EU DSO Entity, they will closely cooperate to provide further guidance to grid operators to optimize their investments into smartening the network.
“This will optimize the way grid operators manage their network, unleashing resiliency and flexibility potentials. In that way, the European power system can effectively evolve as an enhanced open grid which will empower consumers to take an active part in the energy transition,” said Ranieri.
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