March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
The Energy Community Secretariat sent Reasoned Opinions to Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the next step in dispute settlement cases launched in 2013 and 2014 respectively for non-compliance with rules related to energy efficiency.
In this document, according to the press release, the Secretariat maintains the view that Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to breach Energy Community law by not adopting all legal provisions necessary for reaching a sufficient level of transposition and implementation of the provisions of Directive 2006/32/EC, the objective of which is to promote and monitor energy services and other energy efficiency improvement measures. Furthermore, the Secretariat maintains that by not adopting Energy Efficiency Action Plans as required by the Directive, these Contracting Parties are still in breach of their obligations stemming from the Energy Community Treaty.
According to the Rules of Procedure for Dispute Settlement, parties with a legitimate interest in the case are granted access to the case file. All requests for information on this case should be addressed to Dr Dirk Buschle, Legal Counsel and Deputy Director, at and should refer to the case numbers ECS-10/13 for Albania and ECS-1/14 for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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