Photo: Pixabay
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has published an invitation for expressions of interest offers to provide consulting services for the water supply and sewer system public enterprise Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Sarajevo as part of a program to renew the water supply system in the Sarajevo Canton of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The consultancy firms whose offers are accepted will work on drawing up an operational and financial program aimed at raising the level of efficiency and improving the quality of all water supply services in the Sarajevo area.
The invitation published on the EBRD web site says that the bank will secure EUR 25 million to finance the water supply system renewal project in some parts of the Sarajevo Canton. Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Sarajevo and the cantonal authorities asked the EBRD for help in drawing up plans for and financing that investment project.
Consultancy offers were invited to secure support in the renewal of the water supply system in priority areas in Sarajevo, that is to reduce the loss of water through leakage by replacing pipes and the reconstruction of pumping stations and by installing new water meters.
The entire project is aimed at raising overall operating and financial efficiency in that cantonal public services company including reinforcing its capacities and securing the repayment of the loan, the EBRD said in the invitation.
The chosen consultants should provide aid to the communal services company in raising its efficiency levels through a program aimed at improving the way it operates and how it handles its finances. They should also provide support in drawing up business plans, recommend measures to help develop the company, draw up an agreement which would define the rights and obligations of the cantonal authorities and the company management and monitor the project implementation plan.
The Vodovod i Kanalizacija d.o.o. Sarajevo company will select the appropriate offer from consulting firms of groups of firms with experience in similar projects and are familiar with the legal frameworks for communal services companies in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The chosen consulting firm has to provide key experts in four areas – a project manager with 10 years of experience in water supply systems, a team leader with 10 years of experience in water supply systems, a financial expert and a group of legal, social, environmental and training experts.
Expressions of interest should be sent by 15:00 on November 10, 2017 to Aida Sadagić, Director for Investments and Development KJKP Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Sarajevo at J. Černija street 8, 71000 Sarajevo or email: and, or to Ivan Kutlesa at the EBRD One Exchange Square London EC2A 2JN or e-mail:
The EBRD said that shortlisted qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals and that consultant selection and contracting will be subject to availability of funding. The Assignment is expected to start in Q1 2018 and has an estimated overall duration of 12 months.
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