
Biogas CHP plant in Botoš could be 1st facility in Serbia to harness waste heat

Biogas CHP plant in Botoš could be 1st facility in Serbia to harness waste heat

23 April 2018 - A biogas combined heat and power plant (CHP) in the Vojvodina village of Botoš could...

World Bank provides technical assistance for more efficient Serbia’s EPS

World Bank provides technical assistance to Serbia for more efficient EPS

23 April 2018 - The World Bank will provide technical assistance to the Government of Serbia to improve the...

Ministry preparing new package of incentives for renewable energy

19 April 2018 - The decree on incentive measures for renewable energy sources expires at the end of this...

Serbia officially prohibits the use of plastic bags

Serbia will prohibit the use of plastic bags

19 April 2018 - Serbia will completely ban the use of thin plastic bags and introduce a mandatory payment...

Fifth RENEXPO Water & Energy fair next week in Belgrade

Fifth RENEXPO Water & Energy fair next week in Belgrade

17 April 2018 - RENEXPO WATER & ENERGY will take place on April 24 – 26 in Belgrade and...

Austria interested in investing in mini HPPs in Serbia

Austria interested in investing in mini HPPs in Serbia

17 April 2018 - Austria is interested in building mini hydropower plants (HPP) in Serbia and exploring its significant...

WISE project presented at international workshop in Rome

16 April 2018 - Branislava Jovičić, project manager at WISE, has presented the results so far under the Women...

Elektroprivreda Srbije looks for Kostolac wind farm advisor

13 April 2018 - Public power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) seeks a consultant for the construction of the 66...


EPS to hire consultant for new ash handling system in TPP Nikola Tesla

13 April 2018 - Public power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) has invited expressions of interest from consultants for the...

SEPEN becomes member of European Organization for Packaging and the Environment

SEPEN becomes member of European Organization for Packaging and the Environment

12 April 2018 - The Association for Packaging and Environmental Protection (SEPEN) has been admitted to the membership of...

Serbia will be more competitive with integrated IPPC permits

Serbia will be more competitive with integrated IPPC permits

12 April 2018 - The Embassy of Sweden in Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection of...

Women and sustainable energy: research examines roles, seeks to help bridge gender gap

06 April 2018 - Women in Serbia choose sustainability – this is the overarching conclusion of the country’s first-ever...

World Bank’s loan to support electricity supply tariff rises in Serbia

05 April 2018 - World Bank (WB) EUR 160.6 million loan provided to Serbia will, among other activities, support...

Industrial ecology – systemic problems require a systemic approach

Industrial ecology – systemic problems require a systemic approach

05 April 2018 - Dejana Milinković, director of the Association of the Cement Industry of Serbia (CIS), discusses for...

How to involve CSOs and private sector in creating sustainable energy policy

04 April 2018 - “Given that the decision-making process in the sustainable energy sector does not include all interested...

German company ZF to invest in e-vehicle parts factory in Pančevo, Serbia

03 April 2018 - Germany company ZF Friedrichshafen AD (ZF) plans to invest in the construction of an electric...

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