
Serbia declares principles for drafting law on renewable energy

Serbia issues guidelines for draft law on renewable energy

04 January 2021 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy has published the starting points for the upcoming draft law and invited the public to submit suggestions.

electric vehicles subsidies serbia

Serbia to spend EUR 1 million on subsidies for electric, hybrid vehicles

31 December 2020 - The goverment aims to reduce air pollution and citizens demand funds to be redirected to low-income individuals for household energy efficiency.

solar power plants prosumers serbia

Using solar energy is getting easier in Serbia – what you need to know to produce your own electricity

30 December 2020 - It isn't mission impossible anymore to install solar panels and produce electricity for self-consumption.

Serbian environmental agency fires expert air quality criteria

Serbian environmental agency fires expert for protesting change in air quality criteria

29 December 2020 - Milenko Jovanović says SEPA agency harassed and fired him because he reacted after it loosened the standard for displaying the categories of air quality

DSO EPS Distribucija is no longer part of Elektroprivreda Srbije

DSO EPS Distribucija is no longer part of Elektroprivreda Srbije

29 December 2020 - The transfer of ownership is the end of the unbundling of the distribution system from EPS, which began five years ago.

Serbia starts coal phaseout in heating sector from 2021

Serbia starts coal phaseout in heating sector from 2021

28 December 2020 - The heating plant in Kragujevac will be converted from coal to gas, and boilers on solid fuels replaced in kindergartens, schools, health centers and households.

kraljevo goc golija right to water hydropower plants

Kraljevo, Goč, Golija and SHPPs – Gambling with nature has no winners

25 December 2020 - The Right to Water initiative has organized a discussion on the nature protection, with an assessment of the harmful impact of run-of-river small hydropower plants.

jadarite ana brnabic mine protest

Serbian prime minister: Rio Tinto’s jadarite mine investment is going as planed

23 December 2020 - Ana Brnabić denies the spatial plan for the project was adopted on insufficient grounds while locals claim it is illegitimate.

Serbia’s renewables incentive fee raised fivefold

Serbia’s renewables incentive fee raised fivefold

21 December 2020 - The government has decided to increase the surcharge paid by consumers to fund renewable energy incentives from EUR 0.00079 per kWh to EUR 0.00371.

Subotica Serbia waterworks wastewater treatment

City of Subotica has new waterworks system, wastewater treatment unit

18 December 2020 - Subotica and its surrounding area expanded the sewerage network in a EUR 27 million project and added a sludge-to-energy unit and a water plant

New machinery helps building stone supplier Teko Mining cut CO2 emissions

16 December 2020 - Building stone supplier Teko Mining has procured new machinery through financing facility GEFF Serbia Leasing.

Serbia EUR 1 5 billion 2021 energy efficiency cut pollution

Serbia to spend EUR 1.5 billion in 2021 on energy efficiency, to cut pollution

16 December 2020 - Serbia will completely alter investment plans, prioritizing energy efficiency and the fight against pollution, Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlović said

res fondacija zagadjenje vazduha ugalj solar vetar

Wind farms, solar power plants set to push coal out of market

04 December 2020 - Decision makers can slow down or speed up the coal phase-out, but regardless of their action, the coal share is heading for a big drop.

res foundation air pollution conference belgrade

World Bank: Main sources of air pollution in Belgrade are heating, road transport, coal power plants

03 December 2020 - The largest sources of pollution are in the urban area - heating and road transport, but also outside the urban area - thermal power plants.

desulphurization so2 TENT B grcic mihajlovic vujovic

SO2 emissions from Nikola Tesla B coal plant to be reduced 20 times by 2024

02 December 2020 - One of the ten largest SO2 emitters among power plants in Europe starts the construcution of a flue gas desulphurization facility.

Rio Tinto's lithium Serbia challenged transboundary impact

Rio Tinto’s lithium project in Serbia challenged over transboundary impact

01 December 2020 - CZŽS from BiH asked the state to determine the transboundary environmental impact of the lithium exploitation and processing project in Serbia

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