06 February 2021 - Investors and bankers believe that Serbia’s draft law on renewable energy sources provides a solid basis for unlocking investments in more than 2 GW of wind power...
04 February 2021 - Suez and Itochu were supposed to close the waste landfill in Vinča on January 31 and start using the new site, CLS said and blamed Belgrade's authorities
04 February 2021 - Draft laws were discussed by representatives of the energy ministry, citizens, investors, and companies.
03 February 2021 - Serbia set aside funds for the replacement and upgrades of heating systems and to help plant trees and cut the impact of individual sources of pollution
26 January 2021 - Draft law on renewable energy will be discussed by the wind industry and financial institutions at a round table on February 5.
26 January 2021 - PEPO Energy, a joint venture between Switzerland-based energy company MET Group and Arhar Teh, has constructed a facility.
22 January 2021 - Serbia’s draft law on renewable energy sources, which introduces auctions and prosumers, is up for public consultation until February 9.
20 January 2021 - A group of 26 MEPs warn of the “impending environmental damage” of Chinese companies’ industrial projects in Serbia.
19 January 2021 - The law does not allow anyone to serve as an acting director for more than a year, and he has been performing the duty for over four years.
19 January 2021 - Norway's NBT has partnered with WV International (formerly Windvision) in an 800 MW portfolio of wind projects in Serbia.
15 January 2021 - The contest organized by SharaWatch and the Union of Cartoonist of Serbia has attracted some 350 works from 40 countries.
15 January 2021 - The scarce resources available need to be directed at those technologies which still need a boost but whose prices may still fall - mainly solar and wind farms.
12 January 2021 - Elektromreža Srbije bought shares from small shareholders at the stock exchange for about EUR 7 million.
11 January 2021 - The main request from the organizers is for state institutions to protect the citizens' constitutional right to a healthy environment.
06 January 2021 - The Government of Serbia and its institutions have the responsibility to keep the environment healthy...
05 January 2021 - Reverse vending machines for recycling will enable citizens to top up public transportation smart cards for the value of the waste they recycle.