
SolarPower Europe Hemetsberger Serbia great place big solar equipment plants

SolarPower Europe’s Hemetsberger: Serbia is great place for big solar equipment plants

14 September 2023 - Serbia would be a great place for big manufacturing facilities for solar power equipment, SolarPower Europe CEO Walburga Hemetsberger said

SEEPEX to introduce market for guarantees of origin

SEEPEX to introduce market for guarantees of origin

14 September 2023 - The market for guarantees of origin on SEEPEX will be establsihed through a project that will include upgrading the software

Conference about the implementation of the ESG reporting strategy, September 26 in Belgrade

ESG in Business and Finance conference to be held on September 26 in Belgrade

14 September 2023 - The conference "ESG in Business and Finance: Challenges and Opportunities in Serbia" will be held on September 26th in Belgrade.

zoran drakulic electricity prices serbia

Firms in Serbia pay as much for electricity as their counterparts in EU

11 September 2023 - The price of electricity in Serbia for businesses is currently EUR 110 per MWh. Before the start of the energy crisis, it was EUR 50 per MWh.

Srbijagas, DEPA sign memorandum on natural gas cooperation

Srbijagas, DEPA plan to cooperate in natural gas sector

08 September 2023 - Srbijagas said its general manager Dušan Bajatović signed a memorandum of understanding with his counterpart from DEPA, Konstantinos Xifaras


Zijin Mining plans 300 MW solar power plant in Serbia for own needs

08 September 2023 - Zijin Mining is launching by far the biggest photovoltaic project for self-consumption in Serbia's industrial production sector

WISE Serbia conference

Conference Women of Serbia in Sustainable Energy – Leadership for the Energy Transition to take place in Belgrade

06 September 2023 - WISE Serbia will hold its conference Women of Serbia in Sustainable Energy – Leadership for the Energy Transition on September 20, 2023, in Dorćol Platz in Belgrade.

serbia UN International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development jelena begovic

Upon Serbia’s proposal, UN adopts resolution on International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development

05 September 2023 - The International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development will provide a platform for the cooperation of all relevant shareholders

Serbia premiums two more projects first solar power auction

Serbia approves premiums for two more projects from its first solar power auction

04 September 2023 - Two projects made it to the list of solar power plants eligible for market premiums in Serbia at the last minute

The winners of the RE-Hackathon created an alarm to detect solar panel damage or failure

Developers of solar panel damage alarm win RE-Hackathon in Serbia

31 August 2023 - The S-Futur team won the first RE-Hackathon, a competition held in Serbia within Germany's development cooperation program


GIZ Serbia seeks provider of training program for air-source heat pump installers

29 August 2023 - GIZ Serbia published a call for the development and delivery of training materials and program for installers of air-source heat pumps

Belgrade air purifiers schools children

Belgrade to purchase air purifiers for schools

25 August 2023 - The Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade has announced a tender for the procurement of 11,500 air purifiers


Serbia awards CfDs for 400 MW in wind power capacity, 11.6 MW for solar in first auctions

17 August 2023 - Four projects filled the 400 MW quota in Serbia's first wind power auction while the competitive bidding for CfDs for solar power landed heavily undersubscribed

Serbia publishes qualification results first wind solar power auctions

Serbia publishes qualification results for its first wind, solar power auctions

16 August 2023 - Eligible bids from the wind power auction surpassed the 400 MW quota by almost 30%. In the solar power segment, only 11.6 MW met the requirements to bid for 50 MW

Serbia EPS start building first solar power plant Petka September

Serbia’s EPS to start building its first solar power plant Petka in September

16 August 2023 - EPS is about to pick the contractor for its first solar power plant and begin construction. The Petka unit should have 9.75 MW in capacity

Post of Serbia introduces first electric vehicles novi sad

Post of Serbia introduces first electric vehicles

15 August 2023 - By the end of the month, the postal company will start using 31 electric delivery vans for its services in the center of Novi Sad

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