16 October 2023 - Green energy investors from around the world have the opportunity to boost their renewable energy portfolio with a unique biotech cluster in Serbia.
12 October 2023 - Serbia is accepting bids for the construction of facilities along the highways at existing areas and parking lots
12 October 2023 - The Nature Conservancy completed the project 'Smart Planning for Sustainable Development - Mapping Solar Potentials in Serbia' with a group of local partners
03 October 2023 - The Government of Serbia has finally changed the procedure for connecting new power plants to the transmission and distribution grids
02 October 2023 - At the SECW the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, UNECE and Finland co-convened a session on renewable energy development in the Drina River Basin
29 September 2023 - President of CPOR and Cofounder of WISE Serbia Branislava Jovičić handed the Female Leader in Sustainable Energy award to Minister Dubravka Đedović Handanović
27 September 2023 - Elektrodistribucija Srbije (EDS) launched the procedure for the procurement and installation of 470,000 smart electricity meters in April
26 September 2023 - One of the investors in InoBat is Rio Tinto, which has been developing a lithium mining and processing project in the country
26 September 2023 - The Friends of Good Energy event was held on September 23 at the Belgrade Fortress – Kalemegdan, concluding Climate Week in Serbia
25 September 2023 - The conference Women of Serbia in Sustainable Energy – Leadership for the Energy Transition was organized by the WISE Serbia women's network
21 September 2023 - In late July, the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia launched a public call to select a strategic partner
20 September 2023 - The Female Leader in Sustainable Energy awards are given for extraordinary results and dedication to the processes of the energy transition, democratization and decentralization in Serbia.
20 September 2023 - Climate Talks, with two panels, were held as part of Climate Week, which was organized with support from the German embassy
18 September 2023 - The 5,800 MW estimate is from an adequacy analysis conducted by Serbia's transmission system operator Elektromreža Srbije
15 September 2023 - German Development Cooperation in Serbia will mark Climate Week. A series of events will be held from September 16 to September 23.
15 September 2023 - Famous environmental activists Erin Brockovich was the special guest this year at the A1 Talk conference for the business community