
Smart grids could be Europe’s shale gas

02 April 2015 - Infrastructure for balancing intermittent solar and wind energy with flexible power demand could do for...

Bogdan Balaci: Connected lighting, future of the industry

01 April 2015 - While these days modern lighting is equivalent to using LED equipment, the technology developments achieved...

Renewables alter market game

01 April 2015 - More energy generated at the distribution level, from renewable sources, is requiring a system overhaul...

Investment in renewables in EU all but ceased last year

31 March 2015 - Southern Europe is still almost a no-go area for investors in energy from renewable sources...

Two thirds of EU may face sanctions for ignoring directive

27 March 2015 - Nineteen EU member states have missed the deadline to translate the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU)...

EnerTech Balkans convenes wind and hydro experts and managers

25 March 2015 - Third annual two-day EnerTech Balkans conference and exhibition was organized in Belgrade’s Hyatt hotel and...

BioRES project officially launched

23 March 2015 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in partnership with eight other organizations including Serbian...

Network of national institutions in charge of energy efficiency policy to be established

17 March 2015 - Members of Croatian Center for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy Sector and Investments (CEI)...

Vienna Forum on European Energy Law unites leading energy experts

16 March 2015 - The 3rd Vienna Forum on European Energy Law took place at the premises of the...

RENEXPO Western Balkans opens its gates for the second consecutive year in Belgrade

15 March 2015 - International renewable energy and energy efficiency trade fair and conference RENEXPO Western Balkans will be...

Stakeholders give their views on Energy Community’s future

13 March 2015 - The results of the public consultation which gathered stakeholders’ views on options for the implementation...

Over 500 experts participated in Arad trade fair

10 March 2015 - Seventh Enreg Energia Regenerabila, the event on renewable energy and energy efficiency in the border...

Italian borders with three countries successfully coupled

24 February 2015 - Slovenia’s ELES d. o. o. (Electricity Transmission System Operator) reported a further significant step towards...

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