
Findings of Drina river basin nexus assessment presented in Sarajevo

26 April 2017 - The third and final workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus and the Benefits of Transboundary Cooperation in...

Residues reaching end of life cycle better development policy than burning high grade biomass fuel

24 April 2017 - Lukas Schirnhofer, CEO of Polytechnik, Austrian company and one of the world’s leading biomass to...

GIZ ORF-EE facilitates regional cooperation of SEE parliamentarians in energy efficiency and climate protection

19 April 2017 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE), funded by the...

Energy Community Secretariat : WB6 countries making progress in sustainability

13 April 2017 - The six Western Balkans (WB6) countries have achieved progress in a number of measures of...

WB6 at over half way to power market integration

05 April 2017 - The Western Balkan Summit on July 12 in Trieste, Italy, may elevate the importance of...

GIZ Transboundary Ecosystem Management project launch

29 March 2017 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Biodiversity (ORF-BD) officially launched its Transboundary...

GIZ provides significant support to SEE countries on their EU integration path

16 March 2017 - By: Jasna Sekulović, Project Manager and Emina Durmo, Advisor for PR, Reporting and Gender Equality...

Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro and Romania reach EU 2020 renewable energy goals

16 March 2017 - Four countries from the Balkan region – Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro and Romania – reached their...

Three new signatories join WB6 initiative for energy market integration

15 March 2017 - Three new signatories have joined the Western Balkan Six (WB6) regional electricity market integration initiative,...

Power production and distribution companies in the Balkan region – governments still in charge

14 March 2017 - By Vladimir Spasić, energy journalist and analyst It is not just that the governments in the...

European demand for solar power decreased by 21 percent in 2016

13 March 2017 - European demand for solar power decreased by over 21 percent to 6.7 GW in 2016,...

Resalta venture Romania Next Energy Partners Luka Komazec

Komazec: GGE regional expansion strongly supported by its strategic partners

07 March 2017 - GGE’s plan to become regional energy leader providing integrated energy solutions both in Slovenia and other...


CROPEX joins Western Balkan 6 electricity market integration initiative  

02 March 2017 - The Croatian Power Exchange (CROPEX) signed the Western Balkan 6 (WB6) Memorandum of Understanding on...

VIDEO – Perspective: GGF committed to financing green energy portfolio in the Balkans by Carrie Walczak

28 February 2017 - The development of renewable energy programs in the region has been slower than it was...

EU dependency on fossil fuel imports on rise despite energy consumption decrease

23 February 2017 - In 2015 gross inland energy consumption in the European Union (EU) is below its 1990...

Small is not (always) beautiful: small hydro development in the Western Balkans

22 February 2017 - By Igor Vejnović, Hydropower Policy Officer, CEE Bankwatch Network It has long been recognized that...

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