
CGES invested EUR 42 million in electricity grid


February 8, 2016


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February 8, 2016


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The interest of regional and international companies in Montenegrin Power Transmission System (CGES) is an important indicator of the company’s quality and its position in the overall market, the Ministry of Economy told Dnevne novine newspaper. The company has so far invested over EUR 42 million in the local grid, Mina-Business reported. Ministry adds great interest in the company may be attributed to the strong investment cycle which began in 2011, and especially the project of electricity interconnection between Montenegro and Italy via submarine power cable.

The project will connect the national grid with the Western European electricity market and provide more reliable distribution to consumers and many other benefits, explained the ministry. The 400 kV power line Lastva–Pljevlja and substation Lastva is part of the project. One of the most demanding projects was the construction of 400 kV transmission line Podgorica–Tirana to improve the connection with Albania, and also within the second zone of the Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE), the article said. CGES invested EUR 11 million, accompanied by construction of substation Podgorica 5, worth almost EUR 2 million.

The Virpazar waterworks was supplied with a 110/35 kV facility of 2×20 megavolt-amperes, fit into transmission network by connecting to the 110 kV power line Podgorica–Bar. The project improved power supply in Virpazar and Zeta. The investment was EUR 2.77 million, the ministry said. CGES expanded the substation in Andrijevica, in the country’s north, with an investment of EUR 1.78 million.

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